The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.
Stacking The Shelves is also a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Marlene from Reading Reality. It’s all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.
Sunday besides blog visiting, I did a bunch of blog ahead stuff for 2021. I also wrote a couple reviews. I also read a lot about different items I want to buy. I read up on different flowering shrubs I might like, and different compost bins, and different dustbusters. My brother had shared the results on dustbuster reviews from Consumer Reports but when I looked at reviews online people didn’t really like those!
On Monday, I talked at length with my ex about some of those things and tools since he is coming on Saturday to visit and do more projects. The most urgent is expanding the garden beds and my daughter’s jewelry armoire projects. So I’m getting a Ryobi dustbuster which using the same electric pack as my drill / screwdriver from them. I’m getting a compost bin which turns with a handle and has 2 chambers. I’m going to use my current regular plastic garbage can to put leaves in until the composter is ready for more, and get a new, bigger wheeled can to haul out for the city pickup of yard waste. I ordered a cute little 3L indoor compost bin which hangs off the cabinet door under the sink. We also did our voting so I can take the ballots to the BOE office tomorrow. Then I ordered some shirts from Lands End which we have purchased before and they were having a big sale up to 50% off. I also spent over an hour on the phone with the 529 account people because they screwed up my daughter’s payment for college AGAIN. Since they changed administrators last fall it has been nothing but trouble every time.
I wanted to put azaleas or rhododendrons in the back west shady corner of the yard. But it turns out rhododendrons are more for a different climate area. Azaleas are fine and bloom in the spring. But now they have ones that bloom spring to fall but need full sun. The garden center had suggested Camelias and they bloom in the fall. I also found reblooming lilacs, peonies, and gardenias (all require sun) that I want. For now I got one azalea and one camelia for the back corner that are shade varieties, so the azalea will bloom in the spring and the camelia in the fall.
Tuesday, I took our ballots to the Board of Elections office and picked up a Home Depot order curbside. Then I went to work on the baby quilt finally. Maybe I stood up too long on cutting and ironing because my back hurt after a couple hours. But I made some good progress. I put some deep blue rub on my back and went to sleep.
Wednesday, I was a little worried about my back because I had plans to do lots of house cleaning and yard work. Also my daily routine might hurt. But the routine went ok and so I did a bunch of scrubbing toilets, tubs and floors. I sent the giveaway prizes out to the winners. I received some new ARCs and set up their posts. I got the last of the new flowers planted in their beds. I sprayed the whole front yard with weed killer. And I vacuumed the upstairs.
Thursday, I did a Walmart pickup. I forgot to order bread. smh We have enough probably. I just hate to pass up opportunities to get staples. Our neighbor hood is starting a book club. So I went to the book club and it was just the beginning so it isn’t really organized yet. We were outside, mostly distanced but I was the only one who wore a mask. We decided to take turns picking books and I got to pick the first one. I chose In the Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware. It was the only one this other member hadn’t read of hers.
Friday, I dawdled a bit on getting going since it was raining. It seemed to take forever to do things. Finally, after dinner I decided to finish organizing my linen closet and go through the boxes of stuff not stored there yet. It was great to get it done. My daughter is going to help me with all the used tissue paper.
Saturday, I needed to finish listening to my audio book for COYER book club. The weather was clearing up. I finished up the vacuuming first thing. Then I worked on laundry, got the guest room set with clean sheets and got pot roast on for dinner. I updated my challenge linkys for Library Love and COYER with what I have read so far this month. Tomorrow the weather should be sunnier and warmer so I’ll do some yard work. All the while listening to the book for COYER book club.
2021 Read-along
The Read-along alternates between something which is new to me and the next year a re-read of a favorite series. I’ve been really happy with the new ones I have chosen in the past. But I’d like to get some input from you as far as which series you would like to see me do, and ones where you would join in and read with us.
I have always chosen UF- Urban Fantasy for all previous Read-alongs. I’ve included some other genre options this time, F- Fantasy, SF – Science Fiction, M- Mystery, PNR- Paranormal Romance, and HM – Historical Mystery. I list the number of books. If there are 12 or less books, we would read one per month. If there are more, we would need to read a book every 3-4 weeks depending on the number of books.
You can vote for as many as you would read with me.
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality. These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):
Thanks so much to Tantor Audio, Zebra Publishing, Brilliance Audio,
(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)
I got my Prime Free read for the month.
Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.
I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.
I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.
If you thought last week was busy, this week was a blur. Next week should I keep up the good work, or hide in bed under the covers?
These next couple weeks will be hectic for me with the ex here and the projects on tap. I hope you will still visit even if I am slower to getting around to commenting.
- 🎧 Death at the Sanatorium by Ragnar Jónasson @ragnarjo#SamWoolf @MinotaurBooks @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks - September 12, 2024
- 🎧The Swimmer by Loreth Anne White @Loreth @rebabuhr #BrillianceAudio #LoveAudiobooks #KindleUnlimited - September 10, 2024
- 🎧The Brothers Kenney by Adam Mitzner @adam_mitzner #StacyCarolan @librofm @BlackstoneAudio #LoveAudiobooks - September 8, 2024
I hope you like the Ryobi dustbuster. We have a lot of the Ryobi products and the interchangeable battery packs are great. I’m so impressed that you’re already blogging ahead for 2021! You are now my blogging hero. 🙂 Kudos on getting your vote already turned in. I’ll be voting early as well. And hand delivering it. With the groundwork Trump is laying I don’t trust that he won’t try to discount mail-in votes. *smh* I hope the new book club goes well. But the lack of masks… ugh.
Aww, thank you! I try to get ahead on basic formatting. I will be doing the Library Love 2021 posts soon and setting up the Sunday post shells. I try to set up ARC review posts as soon as I get the ARC, then I just have to type in the review. Since I already have an ARC for March 2021, that review shell is set up. I really like the Ryobi stuff so far, and I have Greenworx mower and trimmer. I really like electric cordless tools.
Gosh you’re busy, Anne! I couldn’t do half the things you do. I hope you find a little time to relax, and good luck with your upcoming projects?
Thanks. I get more done when I’m busy and there is much I want to do.
I voted. You’re busy. I have 3 reviews to write and am feeling behind on everything lately. Hope this week is delightful.
Compared to you, Anne, I am a lazy person *lol* I barely read this week and my household looks like a storm has gone through… Oh well …. Happy reading and have a wonderful new week, Anne!
We all have our cycles of activity and rest. I’m just on a busy cycle now that the weather has cooled down and I’m planting for fall.
I really am amazed at all that you do! No wonder you were worried about your back. Anyway I hope you have a great week!
Yes I feel very fortunate that it cleared up in less than 24 hours because I had a lot of physical activity planned for the rest of the week!
My husband has ryobi everything. He likes being able to swap battery packs. However, we don’t have the dust buster. We have been talking about getting one to vacuum out the car and such.
You had a seriously busy week! I need nap after reading it!
Yes it was extremely busy. I love getting all those things handled. I only have a couple ryobi but it is the direction I am headed for sure. The ryobi dustbuster has some kind of exclusive with Home Depot so the price is better there than on Amazon for example.
As ever, reading your Sunday Post leaves me breathless! I love camelias, but cannot grow them here, because we have a rich loam and they need a more acidic soil. I hope your back holds up and you have a good week, Anne:)).
Thank you! No trouble with the back after that one day thank goodness. I am so excited to plant flowers again now that I own again, rather than renting. This climate is much different than Minnesota so there’s a learning curve. It feels great getting these things finished up as I have much more I want to do.
Good for you doing some blog ahead work for 2021…its always smart to get ahead right?
so happy to see you are doing a read along in 2021….I love the psy changeling books. They are so so good.
I hope you voted for them then. Yes I do a Read-along every year; I just alternate between series I have read and ones I haven’t. 2014 – The Hollows by Kim Harrison (new), 2018 – Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews (reread), 2019 – Alex Verus by Benedict Jacka (new), 2020 – Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs (reread). I didn’t do the Read-along during my 3 years at the Book Nympho.
You are always busy about and inspire me to do more. 🙂 I need to get a better compost container. I got a pretty shade azalea earlier this year to fill a space and it’s doing well so I hope for some blooms in the spring. Glad you let us pick more than one for that vote since I want to read or re-read several of those series.
I snagged the latest Widow’s Island, too.
Have a good week, Anne!
Thank you Sophia! I got a compost container at Home Depot (shipped to me) My ex is putting it together today and says it’s very well made. I should have some pictures next week.
The problem is I can only pick one series when I want to read them all. They are all new to me.
You’ve been a busy one!
I have This Secret Thing and it looks good.
My post is here.
I hope you have a great week!
I like to be busy and get things accomplished. But it goes in cycles. After this round, I’ll probably be a slug, curling up with books and tea, as it gets colder.
Glad you’re getting so many projects done. I agree that buying something like a dustbuster can be so hard—hope you love the one you ended up with!
So far it is a champ! I’m glad to be onto some of these projects. It’s still so wet and will rain the next 2 days so I hope to do more when it dries out later in the week.
My husband finds ryobi tools to be pretty reliable so I hope you like the duster. I love camellias! I don’t live in the right climate for them unfortunately but I so wish I did. I’m trying to find a way around that. Sounds like you had a very productive week. That’s too bad about the maskless book club but hopefully they’ll continue to at least social distance and you can get some good book chat in Have a great week.
I like the Ryobi so far. I’ve never had camelias so I’m excited to have one. It was a productive week and I hope for another one. The weather may not cooperate for the next couple days but it’s supposed to dry out at the end of the week.
I’m glad you were able to cast your vote already! I can’t early vote until October 15th I think or something around then (no mail in voting options out of the normal in Texas ? and some people are suing the governor for starting our early voting a week early. Apparently, “the longer we’re able to vote, the more likely there will be fraud”. Seriously?! Might as well be transparent and say more of the disenfranchised will be able to vote. Ugh!!) Anyway…
I’m sorry your daughters tuition payment got messed up. That sort of thing is always such a hassle. I hope it gets sorted out.
I intended to only vote for one series, but I ended up voting for 3 ?. Mageri and Seven, Iron Druid of course, and then Throne of glass. I started throne of glass years ago and then somehow I stalled. I even own the most recent ones I believe. I read the Fever series and it was a favorite until the scandal with the narrator. I’ve considered rereading, but I don’t know if I could stomach it. Not her fault, just an association problem for me.
Hope you have a great week!
Thanks for voting! I own all the Throne of Glass audios and have started buying all the Iron Druid ones. These are all series I would like to read so it is hard to choose, which is why I wanted some help.
The tuition payment got straightened out and it only took 3 calls instead of 4!
I saw this morning Trump is suing NC for allowing corrections to absentee ballot problems without starting over with a fresh ballot. Our early in-person voting starts Oct 15th also but I’m glad we have ours done.
Kudos for getting your voting handled! You inspired me to take ours to the BOE office, which was so easy to do. Glad to see you’re still going Loreth Anne White. She’s an incredible writer.
I just finished the first book in Kendra Elliot’s Callahan & McLane series but am pausing to go back to the Bone Secrets series because they’re connected. Where does the Widow’s Island series fit in? I added that novella on Audible, too.
Have a great week, Anne?
Thanks. I have yet to read Callahan & McLane. I don’t think the Widow’s Island is related other than being in the same geographic area? It alternates between Eliot and Leigh also. They are really short.
I hope the neighbourhood book club goes well!
It’s spring here so the few flowering shrubs and trees we have in the garden are blooming. They include a bottlebrush tree, kangaroo paws, lilac vine and a Frangipani tree. I miss our jacaranda tree 🙁
I just recently bough an electric scrub brush to help me clean the baths, it has an extendable handle so I don’t have to kneel (I have knee issues) and so far it has worked really well.
Wishing you a great reading week
We will have to see how the book club goes. They are nice people. My daughter would like that scrub brush.
i have heard about others receiving their ballots and i have been watching for our, but haven’t seen them yet. being in florida, i am concerned…sounds like you have some good stuff happening around your home. we are doing Hurricane Sally cleanup. have a good week
I’m glad I’ve got the voting completed. Now it’s on to more projects. I hope your cleanup does well.
Wow! It sounds like you had very productive Sunday. Good job on getting ahead on some 2021 posts. I’m trying to get ahead of October, and that is pretty impressive for me. LOL!
I’m sorry to read about your troubles with your daughter’s payment for college. That sounds very frustrating.
That book club sounds like fun.
Have a great week and happy reading.
Thank you! I keep trying to get things finished. I did get the tuition payment. We will see how it goes with the book club, at least I am meeting some neighbors.
Wowser! You’ve been crazy busy!
That’s great you’ve managed to blog ahead, I’ve got a couple scheduled for 2021, it’s such a good feeling to know they are done!
Have a good week!
It’s a start but I have lots more to do.
You must have a lovely garden! I had to mail my ballot back to North Carolina (it is still home even though we’re traveling). I wish I could have dropped it off but didn’t have that option. I did sign up to track my ballot at It showed that it had been mailed to me when I signed up and the night after I handed it over at the post office, I received a notification that it was in the postal system. Here’s hoping it gets there and gets counted. Enjoy your week!
I’m glad to have mine voted and done. They texted me it is all accepted. NC does seem to have a great system this year as well as early voting starting Oct 15th.