Thrifty Thursday – Becoming K-9 by Rada Jones @JonesRada #KindleUnlimited‏ #ThriftyThursday

Posted April 8, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 8 Comments

The purpose of Thrifty Thursday is to read a book which was free  (at some point).

Kindle freebie on March 28, 2021  (currently $3.99 and in Kindle Unlimited as of writing this post)

Overall rating 4.42 with 19 ratings and 3 reviews



Thrifty Thursday – Becoming K-9 by Rada Jones @JonesRada #KindleUnlimited‏   #ThriftyThursdayBecoming K-9 by Rada Jones
Series: K-9 Heroes #1
on March 20, 2021
Genres: Thriller
Pages: 184
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

"Until you, hoomans, learn to sniff each other's butts so you can read each other's thoughts, you'll need us, dogs, to guide you, love you, and make you better people.”
Corporal K-9 Guinness Van Jones

If you thought being a K-9 is easy, think again. What's the hardest, you ask? Sniffing bombs? No sir. That's easy once you know what to look for. Apprehending perpetrators? Nope. That's fun. The hardest part of being a K-9 is training people. Humans don't know how to communicate. It's not their fault that they have blunt teeth, fixed ears, and no tail. As for their nose, they can't tell goose guano from duck poop and can't even read each other's thoughts.

That's why they need dogs. To guide them, take care of them, and set them right.

Becoming K-9 is the story of how I grew from a feisty pup into a fierce K-9. How I looked after my humans, helped them focus on the half-full bowl of kibble, and taught them unconditional love. Because, whether you're young or old, rich or poor, dog or human, there's nothing more potent than love. Not even death. Love is the only thing we get to take with us when we die.

What a snappy little charmer! Becoming K-9 is told completely from the point of view of Guinness, the German Shepherd.  We see her go through her short puppy life at home with Mom, then getting adopted, trained and working.  She really goes through a lot with different handlers and jobs.

I really loved the fiesty, nature of this dog, as she learned about life and work.  There is more about the work with not too much detail on the training aspects.  I laughed at her impressions of humans and other dogs.  In spite of danger she faced, Guinness seemed every fearless to do a new job and protective of her humans.

It turns out the K-9 Heroes series is a prequel of sorts to the ER Crimes series about an ER doc who adopts a retired K-9.  There will be a book upcoming in June about one of Guinness’ co-workers, Butter, who is also retired now.

These are only Kindle freebies I get, or ones through author newsletters which anyone can sign up and get for free. I don’t include things like Kindle Unlimited or Prime Free Reading (I do have it). Both Tantor and Audible have occasional free audios (to anyone) and I do include those.  Since I one-click on 1-2 freebies a day or probably at least 5 a week, I came up with this feature to make sure I start reading them.

So I have thought about doing a Thrifty Thursday Challenge someday. For now,  what I think would be fun is if you have read and reviewed  a freebie, link up to your review (Goodreads, blog, facebook or wherever) below.

Add your review link here: 

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Anne - Books of My Heart
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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • C21-Spring

Posted April 8, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 8 Comments

8 responses to “Thrifty Thursday – Becoming K-9 by Rada Jones

    • Thanks Rachel! I don’t know if they are all from the dog POV because the second one isn’t available yet. But we have met Butter and her personality / attitude are much different from Guinness. She has dialog with Guinness in this book.

  1. Aw how cute is that cover. Interesting that the story is told from the dog’s POV. Glad you enjoyed this one!