Sunday Post – 17 October 2021 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted October 17, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 54 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  I woke up a lot in the night so I didn’t get a fast start this morning. I did my blog visiting and then decided I had to get to work mowing at least half the yard.  I have a bunch of errands tomorrow. I mowed the entire yard because I also need to do the weed & feed.   I put up the portable fence web on the back yard for the area not done.  If I’d had enough of the weed & feed I could have done it before I left and wouldn’t have needed the fence.  But no,  I ran out and had to order more.  It was rather buggy before I was finished.

Monday,  I read until 3:30am last night and I have a jam packed schedule today.  And my mail service has stopped sending my emails so I had to do some fixups to that.  Sorry if you got 4 emails Monday.  I did the weed & feed in the back yard.   I took back the rest of the blocks to Home Depot that were leftover.  I picked up my plant order at Plant Delights nursery which is an awesome place.  I got a few groceries at Aldi.  I spoke to Walgreens on the phone and they assured me my daughter’s 2 Rx would be ready by 3, that the one they ordered on Friday arrived in the shipment.  I then waited a half hour in line for them to say they weren’t ready 4-4:30.  I did the Aldi shopping and then waited in line 5-6pm  which at first they told me they couldn’t find it, looked and then finally filled it.  I should have been tired but I was fine with cooking fajitas and tacos and then reading til 1 am.

Tuesday,  ok today I was tired and didn’t even hear the alarm!  Luckily I woke up about 45 minutes before the contractor was coming.  We opened all the boxes and checked for damage.  Everything is here and no damage so they will start next Monday. EEK!  I really need to get packing.  So then I ate breakfast and started on my computer stuff.  I went down a rabbit hole, organizing emails for free knitting patterns. Sigh.  I really had more important things to do.  I feel distracted by all the things.  The post email didn’t go so I had to manually trigger it. UGH.  Thankfully I am home all day tomorrow but Thursday and Friday I have some running to do so tomorrow I MUST pack more. I did a bit of work after dinner.

Wednesday, I didn’t get a fast start and my daughter was still up at 10am.  Lulu actually barked when she put her in the crate while I was showering and getting dressed. I got my reviews written for the next 2 days and started updating reviews for the new COYER Season.  I hung some more pictures and did some more packing. I planted the last of the plants and bulbs. I unpacked a box of stuff from the old car which wouldn’t fit in the new car which has been sitting around over 3 years.  The bandaids, aloe, insect spray and sunscreen went right into the linen closet where I keep all those things now.  This unpacking is part of cleaning out the dining room so we can set up our temporary kitchen there with fridge, microwave,  some food supplies and the table. I’m actually feeling pretty good  with completing all the fall planting and weednfeed with just the kitchen packing to finish.

Thursday,  I took a few garden and flower shots this morning.  The snow peas and broccoli are coming along well.  The roses and iris are still blooming.  The herbs, basil, rosemary and chives are waist high.  The planter is fully planted. I did some more kitchen packing and picked up some packing paper from a neighbor. Now I can do the wine glasses and mugs. My daughter has her chiro and massage appt.



Friday,  I took my car in to the local dealer who has a Volt certified tech because of the check engine light. I haven’t had any issues but it won’t pass inspection with the light.  They hadn’t talked to me by late afternoon, so I called.  They hadn’t even looked at it, so now I have another appointment for next Thursday. That was a waste of about 3.5 hours with all the traveling to their dealership and back twice, and waiting.  I did lots more packing and got serious about emptying out every shelf. We’ve been eating all our favorites that require baking or stovetop which we won’t have for about a month.

Saturday,  I finally finished my ebook which was good but I’m having a rough time reading at bedtime because I’m too tired.  And I really don’t want to start a new book unless it’s a favored author and I know what to expect, if that makes sense.  Today will be laundry day.  Tomorrow will be dishwasher day.  Yes, I need to wash them before they go in boxes and yes, they will be washed again before they go back in cabinets.  It’s the last day of 80s for awhile.  It’s been 70s-80s with 60s at night and this week will be colder with 60s in the day and down to 40s at night – almost freezing! I look forward to the socks and sweaters. It’s more likely to be sweatshirts though.    I wrote 2 reviews.  I had some more issues with the mail server.  If you want to be sure you get the post notifications,  you might want to follow thru Bloglovin (the blue heart on the right sidebar)  or Feedly (the green F on the right sidebar).   Somehow the earbud graphic changed to a ? on all my posts. I changed it back on the October posts but am going to see if it stays before I take time to change all the earlier posts.  While cooking dinner, I packed more.


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


I am grateful to receive these ARCs from PRH Audio (I also won a print copy in a Goodreads giveaway),  and  Elizabeth Hunter and SocialButterflyPR, 


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)

I found one I needed at the Audible sale for $5.


Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.


I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted October 17, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 54 Comments

54 responses to “Sunday Post – 17 October 2021

  1. I love sweater weather, but not winter coat weather lol. I hope you have more beautiful sweaters than ugly ones, although ugly ones are making a come back, just as Target (wink)

    • Thank you Tammy. It stopped mailing again yesterday and I had to do another fix of sorts so we will see. I am happy because I see a light at the end of the tunnel when I might be just a little less busy, or can enjoy the things I have already finished.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Mercy Creek by ME Browning
  2. Whew what a week – you were busy! I’m sorry about the car, that has to be frustrating to have spent all that time for nothing. And how annoying about your daughter’s RX! I hate when people aren’t honest and do what they say they will do. Are you getting excited about the cabinets or just dreading the ordeal? Maybe both lol?! I know it’s going to be a pain but how great when they’ll be done!

    Have a great week!!

    • Thanks I was feeling ok but then the contractor texted yesterday the guys have a family emergency and might need to delay a week. I’m waiting to hear back from her because I don’t want to pack the last of my dishes and silverware if we need have another week to use them for cooking. I expect it to be a pain but hopefully it won’t last forever. At least I am able to get both my vehicles in the garage with the cabinets or I would be more anxious. Some areas are seeing more break-ins into cars at night.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Read-along & Giveaway: Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh
  3. You always have very busy weeks, Anne! I’m looking forward to reading Miss Moriarty, I Presume when it comes out. It will be interesting to see where that series is headed! Your flowers and vegetables look like they’re doing really well. I want to plant some spring bulbs, but haven’t ordered them yet so don’t know if that’s going to happen. 🙁

    Hope you have a good week, Anne!

    Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic recently posted: Sunday Post: Mid October
  4. I have been too tired to read at bedtime as well lately. So I’m not getting what I think I will get read at night. Ugh. I hate when you have to waste time going to the dealer. I’m so mad at myself for making an appointment with the dealership to get my oil changed and then I forgot about it and missed it. So now I have to make another one. Hope you have a good week! I’ve got to mow today.

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #37
  5. I have had similar issues at Walgreens here! I wait forever and then there is something wrong. Do you think they have been affected by the staffing struggles? I just can’t figure out why it seems so much worse than it used to be!
    Your plants look lovely!

    Samantha recently posted: #SundayPost: October 17th
    • Thank you Samantha! I think it is a combination of things. It is trying to take everything to just-in-time so they stock less. It’s that they cut hours to just less than 30 so workers can’t get healthcare and that makes them more temporary. The more knowledgeable ones and certified leave for better jobs. At Walgreens, after studying and being certified, made only $11, then $13 an hour with hours too low for benefits. They also got the schedule on Tuesday nights for the upcoming Wed-Tues so no notice or ability to plan anything. It may also be that being front-line people got exposed more and 700,00+ people have died. There also tend to be more women and they perhaps lost childcare during the pandemic. Many possible reasons.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Mercy Creek by ME Browning
  6. Sounds like you did quite a bit this week and had every reason to be frustrated between the email and the wasted times in line. Yay for getting quite a bit done in prep for your kitchen project and the fall gardening. I need to close out my flower beds and vegetable patch for the colder months now that we’re finally dipping low enough for frost. Had a cold most of the week so didn’t want to push my luck and did mostly indoor chores and errands. I got the next Charlotte Holmes book, too.

    Have a good week, Anne!

    Sophia recently posted: Sunday Post - 17 October 2021
  7. Your energy amazes me. I can’t get done even half of what you do in a day. And your garden looks so nice. I’m rubbish at gardening, darn it. I should probably just hire someone to whip the landscaping back into shape; then I can try again.

    I hope your kitchen remodel goes well and smoothly. It’s going to be wonderful when it’s finished, but I can tell it’s a lot of work to prepare for it!

    I know just what you mean about wanting to read “favored authors” — something where you can relax because you know what to expect. Same here. Have a great week, both in reading and in life!

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post: October 17, 2021
    • Thank you! Well the reno issues have begun. They aren’t coming tomorrow, postponing for a week for a family emergency. Let’s hope this isn’t typical. I tried to hire someone to build my planter or even help me and couldn’t find anyone so I just forged ahead. It was a ton of work but I’m very happy now it’s finished.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Mercy Creek by ME Browning
  8. I like your garden pics! I’d love to grow some broccoli, I should try that at some point. You sound like you’ve been super busy! I hope you have a great weekend and be well!

  9. vvb

    I like the splashes of red in your garden. Oh boy, late night/early morning reading for you. Love books that keeps the attention like that. Have a good week.

  10. Sounds like your week was all over the place with several frustrations but you still accomplished quite a lot!

  11. Jen

    What a busy week! The having to wait for stuff is getting worse and worse as there are fewer and fewer people working, especially in the service industry. It’s crazy out there. I picked up the new Sherry Thomas, too. Can’t wait to start that one. I hope this is a good week for you.

    • Thank you! I love that I have my garden in place now, less work in upcoming years. Yes I have read Iron Lake. I’m on bk 10 or 11 now. I have already listened to Lightning Strikes also, but I am now collecting them when they are on sale. I’m sure this one was on sale before but I wasn’t convinced I had to own them yet until now.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 Well Matched by Jen DeLuca
  12. So frustrating with the issues with the pharmacy and the car dealership. At least you finally got the scrips. And hopefully the car appt. will go well this week. Fingers crossed the kitchen stuff goes smoothly this first week! I’m so envious of your cooler temps. Send some down my way, will you? 🙂

    • Thank you Tanya. I just have to hang in there to make things happen. Perseverance is a skill. I’m envious of my own cooler temps. lol. It is just the best spring and fall and that’s why I moved here. Just two months of the really hot in July and August. And it doesn’t really get cold like Minnesota, only 2 days of snow a year here, maybe.
      So they postponed the kitchen for a week and we will see how it goes next week.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Better Off Dead by Lee Child, Andrew Child
  13. I’ve not read that late (or early) for a while, but I do enjoy indulging every now and then. I’m always popping online to do something quick and somehow manage to lose a couple of hours – oops. Hope the car is an easy (and cheap) fix. Happy reading!

  14. Dealerships can be so frustrating! I hope they actually get your engine light taken care of this week. I’ve been AWOL for a few weeks, but it sounds like you’re remodeling your kitchen? How exciting!

    Enjoy your week!

  15. What a busy week! Sorry to hear about the problems with your car. So annoying when they don’t even touch it and you had an appointment. Your garden is looking great! And it’s exciting that your kitchen renovation is finally happening soon!

  16. I don’t wonder that you overslept Tuesday with everything you had going on! Your garden sounds wonderful and I love bulbs. We used to have a ton of tulips and daffodils but we’ve been losing some every year and I know I need to do a big bulb replanting. I really missed them this spring. The pharmacy and the dealership sound like such huge headaches. I got lucky that I finally found a pharmacy that’s easy to deal with (and hope everyone working there stays put!) but I had some headaches and dealerships are always maddening. Have a great week!

    • Thank you Katherine. I moved my RX to a different pharmacy which doesn’t have drive-thru but my stuff hasn’t changed in 20 years. So I just pickup every 90 days. My daughter’s meds change so often and she needs some oddball stuff so we go to a bigger, busier pharmacy for her. I try to go at less busy times but sometimes I go when I’m in the area. It seems I turned my phone down too low and didn’t hear the alarm again today but my internal clock woke me when it was supposed to ring.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 Well Matched by Jen DeLuca
  17. Lorna

    I can’t believe how much you get done in one week! If I do two major things in one day that’s pushing it for me. And I mean things like a load of laundry and cooking dinner. I’m just not growing old gracefully! The stuff about your car would have made me so angry! There’s nowhere else you could take it? I hope this week is treating you better!

    • Thank you Lorna. Things are frustrating sometimes but I’m hanging in there. I tend to schedule my days pretty fully yet. I hope not to have any more house projects for awhile once the kitchen is complete. The projects take a lot of phone calls, and errands and such. There’s no where to plant more flowers now so it’s just maintenance. The yard stuff is mostly done now except for leaves. Yeah I did 4 loads of laundry and then I ran the dishwasher multiple times the next day. Those are easy other than putting stuff away. I mean I can go away and do something else while they run.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Better Off Dead by Lee Child, Andrew Child