Thrifty Thursday: Death of a Sorcerer by Jeannie Lin @JeannieLin #KindleUnlimited ‏#ThriftyThursday @sophiarose1816

Posted May 26, 2022 by Sophia in Book Review / 12 Comments

The purpose of Thrifty Thursday is to read a book which was free (at some point).

Kindle freebie on 4-8-22   (currently $2.99 and in Kindle Unlimited as of writing this post)

Overall rating 4.36 with 14 ratings and 3 reviews




Thrifty Thursday: Death of a Sorcerer by Jeannie Lin @JeannieLin #KindleUnlimited  ‏#ThriftyThursday @sophiarose1816Death of a Sorcerer by Jeannie Lin
Series: The Pingkang Li Mysteries #3.5
on April 6, 2022
Genres: Historical Fiction
Pages: 83
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Newly married Constable Gao and Wei-wei have just begun their lives together when they're faced with the death of a Taoist sorcerer during Ghost Month.

As mysterious occurrences arise during the investigation, are they truly receiving a message from the spirit world? Or is Gao's dark past finally catching up to them, threatening their chance for happiness?

After the events of Hidden Moon, Wei Wei and Gao settle into marriage. They come from two different classes and see the world around them so very differently, but share a love and respect that bridges the gap and is the beginning to further understanding between them. Naturally, the chance to work a murder mystery together set during the time of the Hungry Ghost Month is also a chance for them to work together once again doing what brought them together in the first place.

I loved that Death of a Sorcerer is another chance to see Wei Wei and Gao after their marriage making the effort to make it work. It was also fascinating to get a look into the Tang Dynasty era backdrop of Hungry Ghost Month with the spooky superstitions and traditions that lend an atmosphere of other worldliness to the mystery. Ms. Lin brought the legends of the past to life.

A mysterious and mystical death has Wei Wei concerned that they might be dealing with magic and supernatural events, but prosaic Gao is on the trail of flesh and blood evidence. He might be slowed up by someone blocking his efforts, but he won’t leave the trail and Wei Wei is poking her nose into the affair right beside him.

Death of a Sorcerer takes place in time between the third and fourth books and brings in all the main characters from the series. The mystery was untangled quickly because it was a shorter read, but the development was strong both for the characters and relationships and the murder mystery. The special news for one couple and seeing it all from Wei Wei’s perspective was fun. I look forward to getting the mysteries in this series from the full-length novels to even these clever novellas.

The Lotus Palace- or sometimes called PingKang Li Mysteries are a fabulous historical mystery series set in Tang Dynasty China and I wholeheartedly recommend them.

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Posted May 26, 2022 by Sophia in Book Review / 12 Comments

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