Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha @KitRocha ‏@torbooks @mostlybree @totallydonna

Posted August 16, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 17 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha @KitRocha ‏@torbooks @mostlybree @totallydonnaDance with the Devil by Kit Rocha
Series: Mercenary Librarians #3
Published by Tor on August 16, 2022
Genres: Dystopia, Science Fiction
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Tobias Richter, the fearsome VP of Security of TechCorp is dead. The puppetmaster is gone, and the organization is scrambling to maintain control by ruthlessly limiting access to resources to Atlanta, hoping to quell rebellion. Our band of mercenary librarians have decided that the time for revolution has come.

Maya uses her wealth of secrets to weaken the TechCorps from within. Dani strikes from the shadows, picking off the chain of command one ambush at a time. And Nina is organizing their community—not just to survive, but to fight back. When Maya needs to make contact with a sympathetic insider, Dani and Rafe are the only ones with the skill-set and experience to infiltrate the highest levels of the TechCorps. They'll go deep undercover in the decadent, luxury-soaked penthouses on the Hill.

Bringing Dani face-to-face with the man who turned her into a killer. And forcing Rafe to decide how far he'll go to protect both of his families—the one he was born to, and the one he made for himself.

I was thrilled to contine the Mercenary Librarians series.  Each book has a new couple for romantic suspense and more of the overall story arc for the series.  Basically, the greedy TechnoCorp uses people, including abducting and cloning children, with only the rich few running everything and living comfortably.   I would really read these books in order.

Now we have Rafe and Dani in Dance with the Devil.  This is book 3 and these 2 have been dancing around each other for awhile.  They both have some issues and abuse in their past which is the norm in this series.  It is hard to read the books a year apart and impractical to always reread earlier books before the new one.  I was very excited for this couple.

Our group has been hiding in Atlanta, building a community with things like a library, a garden, a school, and a medical clinic. They have made great progress but it’s a worry if they are found with the superior forces of TechnoCorp.  I love the way they are building these supports for their lives and making new found family, as well as reclaiming family members from the clutches of TechnoCorp.  I was happy to know more of Rafe and Dani’s backstory, and meet Rafe’s mother and siblings.

We also get progress on the standoff with TecnhoCorps.   Rafe and Dani go to “the Hill”  to try to gather intelligence so they can stop TechnoCorps.  They make some good contacts, which allow them to stage a coup, putting some of the more reasonable people in charge of TechnoCorps.  But the evil, greedy ones still want to enslave our talented group again, so I have great concerns for their future.

About Kit Rocha

Once upon a time, two best friends decided to write paranormal romance. And while that was awesome, they also sometimes wanted to write insanely dirty stuff that wasn’t paranormal at all. This is that stuff.

Kit Rocha is the dystopian-erotic-romance writing alter-ego of writing duo Moira Rogers.

How do you make a Moira Rogers? Take a former forensic science and nursing student obsessed with paranormal romance and add a computer programmer with a passion for gritty urban fantasy. Toss in a dash of whimsy and a lot of caffeine, and enjoy with a side of chocolate by the light of the full moon.

By day, Bree and Donna are mild-mannered ladies who reside in the Deep South. At night, when their husbands and children are asleep, they combine forces to unleash the product of their fevered imaginations upon the page

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted August 16, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 17 Comments

17 responses to “Dance with the Devil by Kit Rocha

    • I really enjoy this series. It’s hard to quantify compared to other series, Kate and Mercy are much longer series and all-time favorites. I would also say since there is a new romance in each book of this series, it is more akin to Psy-Changeling. So you get more depth into each couple I enjoy the dystopian setting and found family.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Paladin’s Kiss by Elizabeth Hunter
      • I like that type of format, with the changing couples, too. I’ll see if they have the first one at my library.