Series on Saturday: FBI series @davidbaldacci @Allison_Brennan @Saradriscoll @juljames @toniannanderson #RylieDark #Giveaway #SeriesonSaturday

Posted August 13, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Giveaway, Series on Saturday / 18 Comments

This is a new feature I developed where each month we will look at our favorite – the best – series in a genre or topic.

The topic here, by my definition,  is a series with main characters is an FBI agent.   These are the ones which came to mind.  I enjoyed some more than others.   There were many, many options for this one.

Since I haven’t read everything, it’s a subset of the possibilities.  I’m sure I am forgetting some great authors. There are also plenty of authors I have yet to read. Please share your favorites with me in the comments, also.

My favorite FBI Agents series are (in no particular order):



Quinn & Costa                                       Amos Decker, Atlee Pine                           FBI / US Attorney
by Allison Brennan                                     by David Baldacci                                         by Julie James



FBI K-9                                                    Cold Justice                                         Sadie Price
by Sara Driscoll                                            by Toni Andedrson                              by Rylie Dark


What are your favorite series?

Vote for your top 3 favorites! You can vote for my favorites or add favorites of your own.  Remember this is how the winning option is chosen for the giveaway.


Then enter the giveaway below.  The winner will get the first book in the winning series! Open to anyone who can receive an Amazon digital ebook, or Book Depository for an Intl winner.

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Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted August 13, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Giveaway, Series on Saturday / 18 Comments

18 responses to “Series on Saturday: FBI series

  1. Texas Book Lover

    I love Kendra Elliott’s Mercy Kirkpatrick, Callahan and McLane, and Columbia River series. They are all separate but tied together and involve different FBI agent’s.

  2. Jen

    It wasn’t the main main character but the hero on Mindf*ck series by S.T. Abby is an fbi agent and the heroine is a serial killer! This was a great and fast paced series!

    • Thanks Sophia, that’s what I mean about not remembering everything. I love Mercy and our reviews on her latest are tomorrow. And I love Karen Rose. That’s a harder one to put in this category since the main characters change every books and some books have no FBI main characters.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 Storm Echo by Nalini Singh
    • Thanks Jonetta. I think probably the only reason Lucy Kincaid isn’t on this list is I haven’t read it yet. There’s lots of great options and it’s a genre favorite. I even got in a romance series. I love the Julie James series and its humor. I’ll always be in love with Kyle who brought down Twitter.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Thrifty Thursday : FBI edition 2
  3. Janie McGaugh

    Julie James series is the only one that I can think of that I’ve read. I remember that I enjoyed them but not specifically why.

  4. I’ve only read a few books in the Julie James series but I really enjoyed the ones I’ve read. The only other series I can think of that’s FBI is Heather Graham’s Krewe of Hunters but I know I’ve read more! I need to check out some of the ones you mention.

  5. Anne

    I “m stumped I didn’t recall reading any. If the Krewe of Hunters is an FBI series, then I have read a number of them. I thought they were an independent organization though. (It has been years.)