Series on Saturday: International @AnnetteMMarie @kezarthur @EngbergKatrine #ElizabethPeters @BrianKlingborg #UDYasha #SeriesonSaturday #Giveaway

Posted September 10, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Giveaway, Series on Saturday / 17 Comments

This is a new feature I developed where each month we will look at our favorite – the best – series in a genre or topic.

The topic here, by my definition,  is a series  set in International (non UK) locations.   These are the ones which came to mind.  I enjoyed some more than others.   The team had to help me find some of these.

Since I haven’t read everything, it’s a subset of the possibilities.  I’m sure I am forgetting some great authors. There are also plenty of authors I have yet to read. Please share your favorites with me in the comments, also.

My favorite International series are (in no particular order):



Inspector Lu Fei Mysteries                 Riley Jensen Guardian                              Guild Codex
by Brian Klingborg                                         by Keri Arthur                                           by Annette Marie



Amelia Peabody                                  Siya Rajput Mysteries                               Korner and Werner
by Elizabeth Peters                                            by UD Yasha                               by Katrine Engberg


What are your favorite series?

Vote for your top 3 favorites! You can vote for my favorites or add favorites of your own.  Remember this is how the winning option is chosen for the giveaway.


Then enter the giveaway below.  The winner will get the first book in the winning series!  Open to anyone who can receive an Amazon digital ebook, or Book Depository for an Intl winner.

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Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted September 10, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Giveaway, Series on Saturday / 17 Comments

17 responses to “Series on Saturday: International

  1. Eva Millien

    Donna Grant’s – Dark Kings because it is about dragon shifters and the fae and takes place in Scotland where I would love to go, then of course Riley Jensen Guardian by Keri Arthur is one of my favs, on the lighter side of paranormal there is Shelley Munro’s Middlemarch Shifters which takes place in New Zealand. Now if a series that takes place in the Carpathian Mountains but also has books in the US, Brazil, France, counts then Christine Feehan’s Dark/Carpathian series is my absolute favorite series!

  2. Anne

    At one time, the Amelia Peabody series was my favorite, as well as the author. Elizabeth Peters is still in my top 10. I really like the narrator too.