Sunday Post – 23 July 2023 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted July 23, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 54 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,   thanks everyone who did the survey. My African violets are really blooming. I slept later because I finished my book last night.  I enjoyed visiting blogs as usual since it is Sunday.  I edited and wrote some reviews.  It seems hotter today which it is, but also more humid.  I started reading North of Nowhere by Allison Brennan at 10pm which was a slight mistake. I finished at 3am. My jaw was clenched, my whole body tense. I was on the edge throughout this one. It took me almost an hour to relax those muscles.

Monday, I thought I wasn’t up early enough to mow but the wind was from the north and the real feel was about 89F/32C.  So I mowed the backyard.  After a second shower to rinse off, I got to my computer tasks.  My daughter came to tell me that the neighbor wanted us to walk Abbey & Kayla today so we did that at 2pm, after her medical appt.  We actually walked all three for a bit and initially Kayla was huffy but then she calmed down.  Even though the real feel had gone up to 95F/ 35C it still felt ok to me.  I’m still worried about the next couple days which will be even hotter.  I wrote some reviews. I did a little research on new mattresses which is going to take time.   We got another bunch of plaque off Lulu’s teeth.  We just keep on with the flossing. I read about our new chopper and started getting it cleaned up to use.

Tuesday,  even though it was even hotter today it still felt fine on the walk. Kayla got more upset today.   After the walk, I trimmed Lulu’s nails.  I did some more post setups.  Then I went to finish my cabinet handles.  Somehow the second set of drawers went much faster like even the drawer fronts were a bit pre-drilled or they used different material to make them. It didn’t burn and turn black like the other ones.   I got a call and the windows are scheduled to be installed on July 31.  I went out before dinner and watered the plants.

Wednesday, it rained briefly this morning so it was cloudy for our walk.  I’m still not getting together a menu plan for this week, just taking it as each day happens.  I took the backup computer back to my desk in my bedroom so I can have the sewing table back.  After dinner, I got out the new air fryer oven to try and cleaned it up. I’m sad to put away the old Black & Decker toaster oven.  I got that for $20 at Target on Black Friday and it has served us well for 10 years. Of course it has only basic functions and the air fryer has many.

Thursday,  today felt hotter but bearable. Kayla still doesn’t like Lulu but she likes my daughter and me.  When we got back, the other neighbor’s dog Marley was waiting to see me.  I paid all my bills for August.  I was able to get Lulu in at the vet tomorrow for an allergy shot update. Our neighbor called and asked us to let Abbey & Kayla out at 3.  I did this on my own since my daughter, still feeling badly, was sleeping.  I am mostly caught up for a change so I just read my book for fun in the late afternoon.  I had trouble settling on a book to read after I finished one I was reading.

Friday,  it’s going to get hot today but it was positively nice with the north wind.  For once, it’s supposed to stay from the north meaning it will be 80F/27C   instead of the 93F/34C  today.  We took Lulu to the vet for an allergy shot. Then I picked up a couple items at Aldi and then picked up a curbside order at BJs.  I did chicken tenders for sandwiches to try the air fryer and they were good.

Saturday, today’s a north wind, cloudy and a bit cooler. So it’s time to mow the lawn. I tackled the edger first and it went better than usual which is still only fair.  I put more dirt around a plant that needed it and the rest in the raised bed where the spinach is not growing. Then I pulled some sprouts of the nasty bush I hate from my flower beds.  I sprayed the driveway weeds with weed killer and sprayed insecticide along the house to kill ants which like to find their way inside.  I had to stop halfway through mowing and come in and get a drink. I was too hot.  But I got it all finished.  My daughter got asked to let Marley out in the afternoon.  I like that she’s responsible and enjoys taking care of the dogs but it’s not enough to support herself which at some point she will need to do.



I really, really would love it if you haven’t taken my social media survey that you would. It’s a quick 2-3 minutes, mostly multiple choice with a few open ended questions at the end.  I got more responses last time using Survey Monkey but it only lets you see 10 answers, Alchemer will let me see 100.    Go HERE

I’m going to share the results when I get a few more responses, Alchemer has great graphs as well as the ability to look at the individual responses (anonymous).


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


My sincere thanks to Kathleen Donnelly, Minotaur Books,  Kensington Books,                             


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)



Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.




I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted July 23, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 54 Comments

54 responses to “Sunday Post – 23 July 2023

  1. Oh, I love it when I can’t put a book down! I have that Allison Brennan too so now I’m really excited for it!

    It’s been hot here too, but it cools way down at night. We have low humidity as well, so that helps. Still, I’m happy we’re cooling off a bit this next week. It’s hard to want to do anything outside when it’s so hot! I watered at noon on Thursday taking me 45 minutes and I felt like I was going to melt!

    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted: Giveaway: 3 Romance Books!
  2. Hope you’re having a nice weekend. It’s been so hot everywhere, seems like, but glad it cooled down a little towards the end. It’s been wamr here too but a little milder than we’re used to. I guess we got lucky this summer.

    Looking forward to the survey results.

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #514
    • Thank you Greg. I wanted to give the survey one more week because not everybody gets to the Sunday post or social media consistently. I had someone who normally likes and reposts me on social media daily asking why I hadn’t posted there and … I had. But the results I think will be interesting and perhaps helpful to more than me. I didn’t include Threads as it came about after the survey but it might play a role. There are certainly lots of folks there. But I only just got Instagram 2 days before it.

      • I’ve seen a lot of people mentioning Threads! I saw one person not like it but others do. I heard if you deleted your account you lose your Instagram profile too, but maybe I got that wrong. At any rate I am looking forward to seeing the results. It’s always good to see what other peoples’ experiences are

        Greg recently posted: The Sands of Time Ch 30
    • Thanks Tammy. I got a different kind of air fryer than most people I think. I got an air fryer toaster oven. Most of them don’t do toast well. It’s replacing a toaster oven so it needs that. I’m still learning. This one allows to roast a chicken and many other functions. It’s not to hard to use and as I discovered last night, it isn’t too hard to clean. You can certainly email or message me if you have specific questions. I’m satisfied with ours but you have to look at how you would use it. I will definitely still use my microwave and regular oven. For example, I made bacon in it but I think I’m going to prefer that in the microwave for fast or the regular oven even though it is slower.

  3. Yes, this heat is too much for mowing! But we have to do it. I need to make a list of things to do around my house and start budgeting to get them done now that my Scotland trip is over. I’m thinking about getting a different type of air fryer/toaster oven that my mom has, but it’s really expensive. However I think I might use it more than the big air fryer I have that takes up so much counter space and isn’t something I’m using a lot now. Hope you have a good week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #127 – July 23rd, 2023
  4. I cannot remember the last time I stayed up until 3 am. I am out at 9 pm most days. It sounds like you were able to complete quite a few errands this week. I love the way that Lulu is laying on the couch. Have a great week!

    Carole @ Carole's Random Life recently posted: Weekly Wrap Up #370
  5. What a productive week. Lulu looks so cute. Apollo has some allergies but so far they are seasonal and I have been able to keep them pretty under control with weekly oatmeal baths. We bought a microwave air fryer combo about a month ago and its been used quite a bit. I got your comment and I will look for a friendlier font.

  6. Your African violets are gorgeous!

    When doing your mattress research, let me know if you learn anything about mattresses that quickly develop ruts in them. What I mean is, one of my elderly friends is on her 3rd mattress in the past couple of years because she says they keep developing ruts and she has to stuff pillows into the ruts. Here’s here exact words in an email to me
    “Our new mattress , 2 yrs old, and both of the sides where our butts go are smashed down into a rut….Joe almost slid out of bed yesterday…” She calls them “butt ruts” and has to put towels in them, both topside and underneath.

    I can’t imagine what kind of mattresses she keeps buying. Anyway, beware of potential butt ruts when you’re buying your mattress. LOL

  7. The weather definitely sounds challenging where you live! My parents dog is also named Marley and has similar colouring! Have a great week ahead.

    Jodie recently posted: The Sunday Post #64
  8. It has been super hot here too, although it finally rained overnight so I’m hoping for some relief. I just took your survey about social media. Threads has been an interesting journey so far. I can’t decide if I like it or not but I haven’t run away screaming yet so that’s a good sign, lol. They’re definitely still working out some glitches but I think it has potential to be fun.

  9. We are supposed to have a very hot week here as well, although not as hot as some places. I hope to get outside in the morning and in the evening when it is hopefully a little cooler!

    Have a good week, and stay cool!

  10. Glad the heat hasn’t felt too unbearable in your area. We’re getting a break today (“only” 89) but by the end of the week its back up to 99. Glad the second set of drawers went quicker. That had to be a relief. The chicken tender sandwiches sound delish. I had to run to Aldi for 4-5 things Sunday morning and grabbed some cotton candy grapes while there. I am so hooked on those. Best grapes ever. 🙂 Hope your week is off to a great star, Anne!

  11. We’ve hit the “dog days” of summer, haven’t we? It’s been hot for here (mid-80s). It was humid enough that I turned on our A/C unit today. It’s making me sleepy.

    I’m busy packing for our trip to MI to visit my family. We leave in a couple days. I’m trying to blog ahead and get work in order. I’ve also been shopping for my daughter to pick out senior photo clothes!

  12. Sounds like you had a busy week! I really want to read the Andrea Penrose. I just got one of her books in audio and am really looking forward to it. Have a great week!

  13. I’m behind on my blog reading this week… July has been brutal this year. Just so so hot. My Lulu doesn’t want to put her paws on the pavement in the middle of the day and I don’t blame her! We’ve been walking her at dusk, after the heat of the day.