Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi @SteveUrszenyi @MinotaurBooks

Posted November 14, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 16 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi @SteveUrszenyi @MinotaurBooksPerfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi
Series: Special Agent Alexandra Martel #1
Published by Minotaur Books on November 14, 2023
Genres: Thriller
Pages: 360
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarHalf a Star

Special Agent Alexandra Martel has put her days on the battlefield behind her. Charming and disarming, relentless and lethal, she earned a reputation as one of the most renowned and decorated Army snipers in the service before stepping away. But when Alex, now an FBI special agent on loan to Interpol, learns that an old friend, an MI5 officer, has been killed under mysterious circumstances, she’s pulled back into the dangerous world she left a world where some people fear her, some want to recruit her, and everyone seems to want her dead.

Following a trail of clues left behind by the dead woman, Alex pieces together a terrifying conspiracy that only escalates when a nuclear warhead goes missing. Dodging death at every turn, she reluctantly joins forces with a CIA officer, but he has plans of his own for her—and will stop at nothing to achieve them.

Perfect Shot sounded like a great read for me from the blurb.  I like strong women, fast paced action, political/ military strategy and I don’t have to have romance.  Normally, complex details and layers are a bonus.  Somehow, this was not the book for me.

Alex Martel is a Special Agent for the FBI on loan to Interpol. She seems to throw her title up to her co-workers as well as other foreign personnel.  Yes, some of them are calling her Ms. Martel to demean her.  While her deductions about some aspects of the case are savvy, she is not smart in other ways.  She knows she’s being followed by multiple others and decides to just fight it out rather than having backup or help. It seems like she is trained in guns but a bit less in fighting.

I understand her unwillingness to trust others since many aren’t trustworthy which leaves her on her own too often.  The untrustworthy are only too happy to point her in the wrong direction or just kill her.  She does her own thing regardless of the law or orders she is given.  Alex does trust a computer analyst who provides and solves most things for her.  In fact,  she probably could have sat around and waited for his intel other than finding an initial clue from her dead friend and learning about the nuclear weapon.

I did not connect with the main character Alex or the other characters.  I didn’t like them.  Things Alex did just felt like a bunch of details, and I mostly didn’t care.  She did manage to kill a lot of enemy agents trying to kill her, and find a US traitor.

I was excited to read Perfect Shot and wanted to love it.  Others may enjoy it more than me.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted November 14, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 16 Comments

16 responses to “Perfect Shot by Steve Urszenyi

  1. Sorry this one was a disappointment for you. As you probably recall, I don’t read thrillers, but this sounded exciting with the lead as a female. It’s too bad it just didn’t work out.