Sunday Post – 24 December 2023 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted December 24, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 31 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.

Sunday,  the expected rain is here. I elected to wear pajama pants and a cozy turtleneck, although it isn’t really so cold.  I wrote a review and then got to blog visiting. We have a space heater in our office work room and sometimes we forget to turn it off.  I am up and down these days turning it on and off.  Actually, I have a remote control for it somewhere.  But I got out the booklet and figured out how to set it to turn on and off based on the temperature we want.  Otherwise, it just runs at high heat indefinitely! I got posts ready to go.  I finally went thru all my emails from publishers offering books to see if I wanted them and the ones I did, tried to fit them in my open slots Jan – May.

Monday, today I’m going to try to run errands but I had some calls to make first so I’m running late. I finally left about 1pm  to go to the farmer’s market for a tree, then Wegmans, Trader Joes and last, to an Asian Market near our house.  I hadn’t been there but I definitely will go back.  It’s got great produce and all the gluten-free Asian sauces I like to use.

Tuesday,  it was a difficult night. My daughter went to bed early and Lulu barked off and on all night.  I finally gave up on sleeping and got up 2 hours early.  Today’s the coldest this month, so I wore wool socks and an extra layer for walking the dogs. I started work on my Top 10 lists. I also had some thoughts and planning on my January reading. I updated the links for Library Love and COYER with my reads so far in December.

Wednesday,  another cold morning but it will warm after this about 10 degrees and have a few rainy days early next week. Our walk was chilly but fine.  It is audio publisher’s day to release review ARCs I got several today from 3 different publishers. What a gift for the holidays!  I now have 100 follower on Instagram.  It’s slow to add followers  but it’s only been a couple months.  Thank you all who have followed me. I thought my daughter was going to work with me this afternoon but she took a nap. I setup posts for the new ARCs,  then I cut little branches from the bottom of the tree, put it in the stand and brought it in the house. I also got the boxes of decorations from the garage.

Thursday,  it’s a bit warmer and another day where we don’t have to go out and about.  Lulu and I walked with Abby while my daughter walked Kayla.  They will be gone this next week with our neighbor.  She had cards for us and a gift card for my daughter.  Even though the weather is right around freezing every night I have primroses and Hellebores blooming.  I wrote some reviews and set up some posts.  I’m baking sugar cookies which my daughter requested for the holiday.  We got a farm box with fresh goodies.  My daughter wants me to try to recreate the chicken pesto tacos we had on our trip so I changed the menu plan to try that for tonight since I had some leftover fresh basil. I finally got the rest of the shelves hung in my daughter’s bathroom and then cleaned them up.  I helped her look for some craft supplies, including crawling into the attic crawl space,  until it was in the box (not in the attic space) where I told her to look first!

Friday, I was up early and tackled the task worrying me.  Good thing because it turns out it is not a problem at all.  I wrote some reviews and set up some posts. I’ve been “harvesting” bean sprouts from our new machine and it is better than the mason jar.  However, I seem to have clogged the drain with it.   Late afternoon, my daughter and I walked with Lulu to our normal short walk but it’s the first time she’s done that since September.   After dinner, I poured drano in to try to reduce the clog.

Saturday, the drano doesn’t seem to have helped yet.  I made an appt with the plumber but that would be Wednesday.  I gave it a second dose of Drano.  Later this afternoon, I’m going to try to remove the Ptrap and use a 25 foot snake.  It might all be in the ptrap.  And no more sprout pods or roots in the garbage disposal even if they are tiny.  I loaded my audiobook ARCs into the app on my phone. After taking Lulu on her walk, I found the 25 foot snake and removed the section of the pipe after taking the stuff out from under the sink. The 25 feet wasn’t enough but a neighbor has a longer snake which he will drop off to me tomorrow.   This week are all the fun top 10 lists. I hope you all will link up to one or more if you are posting lists.

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):



My grateful thanks to Berkley, Tantor Audio,  Harper Audio,  Brilliance Audio,   Macmillan Audio                    

(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)



Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.



I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.






Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted December 24, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 31 Comments

31 responses to “Sunday Post – 24 December 2023

  1. That’s great that your neighbor has a longer snake for you to try.

    Love the picture of your festive room and, of course, cozy Lulu! I hope she doesn’t scare off Santa’s reindeer tonight with her barking!

    Merry Christmas to you and your daughter!

    Jinjer recently posted: Long Christmas Weekend
  2. Oh well, phooey! Sorry to hear the snake is NOT longer. That’s good that you can be flexible with your menu plan. I’ve had to do the holiday pivot a couple of times myself….once when we all had the flu and once when the oven died. Oh and then there was the time with the ants, but let’s not think about that one. 😀

    Jinjer recently posted: Long Christmas Weekend
  3. I need to find a good Asian market.

    Merry Christmas! Your tree looks great. Hope it’s a wonderful day. 🙂

    The Allison Brennan book looks good also.

    Greg recently posted: Song of the Week
  4. I hate clogged drains. Ugh. I try to run vinegar and baking soda with hot water down mine about once a month. Sometimes I need to take the plunger to them to loosen up the gunk enough to drain better.

    I’m so jelly of your Hurwitz audio! Hubby and I love the Orphan X series. I picked up a couple other of his books during the Audible and Chirp sales. We’ll see if they are as good.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. I need to see if I can get on some of the audiobook lists that I am not already on. It was warmer last week but they are saying we might get snow tomorrow. I am super careful with what goes down my sink but we still have to pull the snake out from time to time. The last backup we had was the pipe the washer drains into believe it or not.

  6. I hope the plumbing issue got sorted. We have the threat of rain but right now it’s just kind of heavy outside – just enough to cause headaches but not actually raining. I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas and you’re having a great week!