Surviving Passion by Maia Underwood @MaiaUnderwood @sophiarose1816 #KindleUnlimited #ThriftyThursday

Posted April 3, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 16 Comments

Surviving Passion by Maia Underwood @MaiaUnderwood  @sophiarose1816 #KindleUnlimited #ThriftyThursdaySurviving Passion by Maia Underwood
Series: The Shattered World #1
Published by Self-Published on February 6, 2010
Genres: Romance, Dystopia
Pages: 185
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

"It's a strange time when the safest place in the world is in the arms of the person who frightens you the most." After the violent death of her father, it is Selena who becomes the ghost. Every day is a lone struggle for survival in the wilderness, more than a decade after the fall of modern civilization. No longer subject to law, order, or the social norms of its domestic past, the primal nature of man has reared its head with alarming swiftness.

From her own frightening experiences, Selena has learned just how dangerous men are. Now, she avoids them at all costs, mastering a thoroughly elusive lifestyle, until she meets her match. After a chance encounter, Selena's life is swept on a tide of chaotic involvement with Dan, an intense but disciplined leader who clashes with her approach to survival on every level. Through her wild experiences with this frightening but captivating man, Selena learns that the human animal loves as passionately as it.

Something wipes out technology around the world and there is a reset back to primitive hunter/gatherer society in what was once the southwestern US.  A woman has been surviving alone almost as a ghost until bad luck finds her in the form of a pack of scavenging men.  Her rescuer is competent and sure- and he doesn’t do catch and release so a new adventure begins.

I picked up Surviving Passion as a freebie more than eleven years ago and there it sat on my Kindle shelf until I needed it to meet a few reading challenges.

Surviving Passion was a mixed bag read for me.  Selena drove me up the wall nearly the whole time.  This gal was all over the place.  I get it that she’s young and skittish and has no reason to trust other people after what she saw and she has no experience whatsoever with a romantic relationship other than vague memories of her parents.

But…I’m going on a tangent here so be warned.  The whole rest of the story with her and Dan felt more like a spoilt child who gets thwarted so she pouts and strikes out at the person who is trying to keep her safe.  She literally must do the opposite or get angry over the dumbest stuff if Dan is the one speaking even though she sees that he’s a survival and combat expert and he always treats her with respect never taking advantage.  Dan doesn’t even smother her with protectiveness like some alpha males or push into her space except the once when she took matters into her own hands during a dangerous situation and he tries to set her straight of what could have happened (she and others would have been hurt or dead) if she hadn’t gotten lucky- because yes, she confuses luck with skill.

Once he has her away from the gang of men, he lets her loose to make her own choices and gives her some pretty good ones, but she stays petulant and can’t even cough up a ‘thanks for saving my life multiple times’.  And, of course, she’s the tough girl and speaks up to Dan, but the real creeper guy she goes all soft and unsure, hides his threats to rape her from others (b/c why would they with their families of kids need to know a predator is among them), and yes, we have a big climax scene resulting from it.  The brutal fight scene was exciting, I’ll grant you.

Selena takes until the very end and a big brutal eye-opening experience to get a clue, but she does get there which is good for Dan’s sake.  He’s quiet most of the book and gets no narration time which meant Selena’s passive aggressive- hide, avoid Dan who wants a mature adult conversation when something’s wrong, or just fling accusations and stomp off- is all I had.

Selena had to grow and learn, but I suspect the next part of the story is easier on that part of things as the relationships deepen in Selena’s life and she gets used to trusting and living with other people.

The good part was the author’s description of life after tech, the people of the community of Brian’s Crater, and Dan- oh how I loved Dan who is mostly patient, generous and caring particularly with Selena.  The brutal action that matched the lawless times was also well-written and fit this genre of romance.

Surviving Passion was a debut book and part of a never finished trilogy.  I knew this was part of an ongoing story about Selena and Dan when I went in, but took a chance that there would be enough closure to the first book that I’d still get a good reading experience.  Fortunately, this was true.  It’s obvious there can be more to their lives because this ends on a Happy for Now, but it does wrap up most of the main points of conflict.  So, if readers are looking for a fast-read exciting post-apocalyptic romance, I would say this is a moderately good one.


Kindle freebie on May 6, 2012  (currently 99¢ at Amazon and in KindleUnlimited as of writing this post)

Overall rating 3.57 with 1,254 ratings and  102 reviews

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Posted April 3, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 16 Comments

16 responses to “Surviving Passion by Maia Underwood

  1. Sounds like it’s a bit dated with the stereotyping of the female lead. I find it funny that we just did a TMST about starting a series that doesn’t finish!

    • LOL, yes, this is one I was thinking of when I answered the question. I noted in a few reviews that this could standalone so I went ahead knowing that it ended with book two of the trilogy. I don’t plan to keep going, but this was a decent enough read for my Romanceopoly ‘post-apoc’ challenge square and as a Thrifty Thursday freebie. 🙂

    • LOL, no worries. I’m not sure it would have been for me if it hadn’t been fairly short and I needed it for my challenge squares. 🙂