Sunrise Ranch by Carolyn Brown #CarolynBrown #ForeverYours @sophiarose1816 #KindleUnlimited

Posted December 29, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Sunday Series / 8 Comments


Sunrise Ranch by Carolyn Brown #CarolynBrown #ForeverYours  @sophiarose1816  #KindleUnlimitedSunrise Ranch by Carolyn Brown
Series: The Canyon #2.6
Published by Forever on July 7, 2020
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 87
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Bonnie Malloy never really knew the meaning of home. She and her mom moved around so much when she was young that she was never able put down roots, and she got to the point where she never wanted to. But now she has a chance to run her very own Texas ranch, and she just discovered two half-sisters she never knew about. The three women couldn't be more different, but Abby Joy and Shiloh have shown Bonnie how it feels to truly be part of a family.

The only catch is that to inherit the ranch, Bonnie must stay there for a whole year. Worse yet, she has to live with cowboy Rusty Dawson-and he thinks the property is rightfully his. Each becomes determined to drive the other out . . . until they realize just how much they enjoy being together. But is the woman known for going wherever the wind takes her really ready to settle down once and for all?


In the finale of The Canyon series, the last sister is up against the ranch foreman to inherit the ranch, but will they catch feelings before the end of the year?  A woman who has never had a real home or people she can count on must let go of her past and trust in love of family and her feelings for a man who might only be angling to beat her out for her dad’s ranch.

Sunrise Ranch is 2.6 in The Canyon series and the fourth entry that works best read in order.  This quick read romance finishes out the story of the sisters with Bonnie, the youngest, and Rusty, the ranch foreman.

Bonnie had it rough with a wandering mother and a dad who abandoned her because she wasn’t a boy.  However, she wasn’t the only one with issues from the past.  Rusty was a foster kid and Bonnie’s rough dad was the first person to give Rusty a chance.  The ranch has been his home and his dream.  Bonnie only wants to win the ranch so she can sell it and spit in her father’s eye for the hurt he caused.  Both are prepared to deny the feelings for each other and Bonnie is scared that her love for her sisters and Rusty so she doesn’t get hurt again.

Sunrise Ranch was quick and short, but it had a lot of heart and I really wanted to see Bonnie and Rusty win over their pasts.  It was a good finish to the series.  I found it was interesting how Carolyn Brown finished it with a realistic ‘no answer’ when it came to why old Ezra was the way he was about never connecting with his three daughters or why he arranged his will the way he did.  But, good came of it no matter what and this was a solid series I’d recommend for cowboy romance and small town romance lovers.


About Carolyn Brown

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Carolyn Brown was born in Texas and raised in southern Oklahoma. These days she and her husband make their home in Davis, Oklahoma, a small town of less than three thousand people where everyone knows everyone, knows what they are doing and with whom, and read the weekly newspaper to see who got caught.

A plaque hangs on her office wall that says I know the voices are not real but they have such great ideas. That is her motto and muse as she goes through the days with quirky characters in her head, telling their stories, one by one, and loving her job.

She has been married almost half a century to a retired English teacher that she calls Mr. B and he does not read her books before they are published because she cannot afford a divorce. They have three grown children.—and enough grandchildren to keep them busy and young.

When Carolyn is not writing she likes to sit in the back yard and watch the two tom cats protect the yard from all kinds of wicked varmints like crickets, other cats, spiders and blue jays.

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Posted December 29, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Sunday Series / 8 Comments

8 responses to “Sunrise Ranch by Carolyn Brown

  1. Glad to hear this was a good ending to the series. It sounds nice how this one had a lot of of hearth despite the short length. Interesting the way the ending doesn’t give an answer about Ezra and why the will was that way. I hope I can finally read one of Carolyn Brown’s books in 2025.

    • Yes, it ended well, but I’ll always be curious about Ezra’s motives with that will. 🙂

      Yes, it will be fun to see you pick up on of hers in 2025. 🙂

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