Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

Posted August 6, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 18 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Magic Shifts by Ilona AndrewsMagic Shifts by Ilona Andrews
Series: Kate Daniels #8
Published by Ace on August 4th 2015
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

After breaking from life with the Pack, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate—former Beast Lord Curran Lennart—are adjusting to a very different pace. While they’re thrilled to escape all the infighting, Curran misses the constant challenges of leading the shapeshifters.

So when the Pack offers him its stake in the Mercenary Guild, Curran seizes the opportunity—too bad the Guild wants nothing to do with him and Kate. Luckily, as a veteran merc, Kate can take over any of the Guild’s unfinished jobs in order to bring in money and build their reputation. But what Kate and Curran don’t realize is that the odd jobs they’ve been working are all connected.

An ancient enemy has arisen, and Kate and Curran are the only ones who can stop it—before it takes their city apart piece by piece…

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I admit, I’m biased as the Kate Daniels series is my FAVORITE.  But c’mon, it’s full of awesome, and has everything one needs in a great book.  There are characters who feel real, adventures and battles, mysteries and humor, a family and romance.

There is not much I can say that has not been said before and without total gushing and awed devotion. Everyone on Earth should have been able to hear the screams of excitement when I got my copy of Magic Shifts (or anything by Ilona Andrews).

The humor is really important to me.  I like the kind of style displayed in the giggle worthy quote. It’s based on knowledge and acceptance of the characters, who they are and their foibles.  Ghastek was brief in Magic Shifts but he always cracks me up, the way he and Kate interact.

The other aspect I’ll mention is the continuing development of the relationship between Kate and Curran. It happens along with real life, struggles and triumphs, and I love the way it is unfolding.  There is more time with them than in other books it seems. It has its ups and downs, but it is strong and passionate.

The “relationship” between Kate and her father is another interesting, ongoing development.  What is really going to happen there?

I can’t get enough. I am enthralled with the Kate Daniel series.  Each book holds my attention and feelings every time. There is so much more to love and know.  I can barely wait.


Giggle worthy quote:   

Curran and horses didn’t get along.  He thought they were unpredictable and untrustworthy, and they thought he was a werelion.


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About Ilona Andrews

“Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.)

Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Texas with their two children and many dogs and cats.

They have co-authored several bestselling series, including the #1 NYT bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels, rustic fantasy of the Edge, paranormal romance of Hidden Legacy, and Innkeeper Chronicles, which they post as a free weekly serial.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted August 6, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 18 Comments

18 responses to “Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

  1. Renee Raudman

    I couldn’t agree more. You did a great job of encapsulating the reasons Ilona Andrews is just one of the best! And so consistent. And for me, the perfect escape. Another great Kate!!!

  2. Midge (akitalady)

    I absolutely love this series and the giggle quote was great! These authors can’t write fast enough for me! 🙂

    • The giggle worthy quote is something I learned to do on a blog for which I previously wrote reviews (it’s on hiatus) Yummy Men & Kick Ass Chicks. I didn’t realize until recently how important humor is to me.

      Northwoman recently posted: Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews
  3. This time you have to wonder, after last book (shame on you if you have not read that epic) what could even give them any problems? It seems there are a ton of things in this world that Ilona Andrews has crafted that can do that and one of them has come to town (no I won’t tell you, it is part of the plot to find out).

    aidrouge recently posted: Magic Shifts - Ilona Andrews free pdf