The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.
Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.
Sunday, it’s the second day of 80s / 27C with north wind and low humidity. It’s heavenly. I’m doing my computer stuff and visiting during the mid-day and then will be outside. I’ve been offering herbs to neighbors and setting them out for porch pick up, rosemary, sage, garlic chives and mint. I also enjoyed making a bunch of new recipes over the last week which will become part of the rotation. One is tuna burgers using canned tuna with spices, green onions and a little mayo and dijon. The other dish is a sweet potato skillet. I had to get out the Cuisinart to grate the sweet potatoes. It also uses ribbons of Swiss chard, garlic, oregano, basil and then feta cheese and eggs. It’s vegetarian and could be made vegan but I really liked the feta cheese. My daughter liked both dishes and that is not a given so I was happy. I took Lulu for a walk and it was warmer than in the morning.
Monday, today is still cool and cloudy so it is excellent. I watered when I took Lulu out and decided to sprinkle the garden because by Wednesday it will be near 100 again. Lulu was smelling and jumping around in the yard and it was a baby bunny! Lulu didn’t bark and when I told her to leave it she did. I saw another one in the yard and caught one in the garden with the sprinkler. I also saw mom in the neighbor’s yard where I often see them (every year in fact). I’m sure they would rather live here because neighbor’s dog is big and barky. But I don’t want them in the garden. I wanted to get going before it was too hot but with the clouds it won’t get that hot today. I was checking some things and discovered that my Bloglovin is not working. So I had a Groupon to get a Costco membership for a year. I waited to go until my daughter got up so Lulu would not have to go in the crate. I wore my mask and looked at everything. I found plenty of things to buy. But I wasn’t really impressed with the selection of gluten free items. Certainly, there were some things we use regularly and a few I want to try but I think BJs and Sam’s Club have a better selection. My daughter called and I had forgotten I was taking her to meet a neighbor who she is dog-sitting for them so I hurried up and went home. It’s a very nice dog and she is only sitting for a weekend.
Tuesday, so behind because yesterday. But I worked on catching up. My daughter had another round of dentist appt. I did the next set of Amazon returns and picked up a couple things at Aldi. They didn’t have carrots or honeydew melon. I decided to do the computer stuff then while it’s hotter and then do the rest after 6pm.
Wednesday, the hottest day of the week. We stayed inside other than the chiro appt. I did a pickup at Food Lion for a few items but no broccoli or green beans available. It’s gotten more complicated to get things lately. After dinner, I did a lot of work on meal prep with salmon and leftover rotisserie chicken.
Thursday, I was so happy to have a day at home all day. It’s cooler with the wind from the north but it is so humid, so it’s not a nice day. I did computer stuff, writing reviews, laundry and some planning on Series on Saturday. After dinner, I walked Lulu but it was still hot.
Friday, what a mess. It’s still hot. I discovered a couple days ago that my Bloglovin isn’t working. Today all my music (but not audiobooks) are gone from iTunes. I spent 2 hours on the phone with Apple and I have to say they were helpful and with some work it may be sorted. An aunt who had a stroke yesterday is not expected to live. A real downer of a day. My daughter did have an eye appt and we both really like the new place and the doctor. She found a frame style she really liked and the prices were reasonable for those without insurance (us). I still don’t have glasses other than readers, just like I haven’t had a cavity in decades. Last winter was the first time in 19 years I had a cold. I’m just like that. Anyway, then there’s the SCOTUS and their partisan politics so mostly a bad day.
Saturday, I cleaned up in the kitchen and took out the overflowing compost to the bin. My restore is still running on my iTunes directory. So I’m just handling email and light tasks. The restore had the hard drive down to no space. I had called back Apple to ask about directory structure and the person I got today was no help. So I googled it and then copied and restored things to what I thought the directory structure was supposed to be. Success! Now my directories and everything is all cleaned up too. I am now tired, just so tired. I did get the front yard watered a bit and took Lulu for a short walk after dinner.
Of course I will be doing COYER Summer which starts July 1. It’s my favorite challenge. COYER overall has become quite diverse with lots of options and choice about things to do. There’s something for everyone with Facebook social posts and games, Read-athons, Book Club, pen pals, DEAR (drop everything and read), buddy reading, my Read-along and more. There’s a great group of interesting people doing various parts of the challenge, too.
Things I Learned This Week:
OK if I’m asking for help, I’m also going to share the cool things I learn. You may already know them but hopefully it will help someone.
I understand more about iTunes / Apple Books than anyone ever wants to know. I know more about its directory structures in Windows than the techs I reached on the Apple support line.
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality. These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):
Thank you so much Macmillan Audio, Kensington Books.
(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)
I spent $15 to get a $5 coupon.
Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.
I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.
I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.
- 🎧 Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett #HeatherFawcett @Pottell @DoddsAndEnds @DelReyBooks @PRHAudio #LOVEAudiobooks - February 13, 2025
- 🎧 Nemesis by Gregg Hurwitz @ScottBrick #LoveAudiobooks @GreggHurwitz@MinotaurBooks @StMartinsPress @MacmillanAudio - February 11, 2025
- Sunday Post – 9 February 2025 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality - February 9, 2025
Thanks so nice that you share your fresh herbs with the neighbors. And it’s always nice to try new recipes that turn out to be keepers. I’ve become so fed up with Bloglovin over the past few months. The site seems to be down more often than not. I’ve switched more and more over to Feedly. I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt. 🙁
Thank you Tanya! Bloglovin seems up today. I did nothing to affect that one way or the other.
Also I love Feedly.
I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt. Apparently there have been issues with Bloglovin’ and some blog feeds.
Thanks Jennifer. yes my Bloglovin is working today. I don’t use it; I use Feedly but some of my followers follow by Bloglovin.
I wonder if I need to check my Bloglovin’. I don’t really use it but want to make sure that my feed is showing up for those that do. It sounds like you had a busy week. It is nice that you had enough herbs to share with neighbors. Nice new reads this week. I hope that you have a great week!
Thank you Carole. My deal with Bloglovin is the same as yours. I don’t use it but want to make sure it is working for followers. I have so many herbs and so much lettuce which is now starting to bolt.
Sorry about your Aunt. Glad to hear about your herbs. We have a program to learn to plant in our building but with my green thumb, i’d probably kill the whole garden.
Thank you. I think if you want to learn about it you can. We have improved and continue to improve our gardening skills. My daughter is especially talented at finding Youtube videos with different techniques to deter pests.
So sorry to hear about your aunt. I adore Costco! I’ve been a member for years and I’ve seen lots of gluten free items at ours, but then again you probably know more about GF than I do! Have a good week😁
Thank you Tammy. Well since I currently have memberships at all 3 I am looking at things we could eat at all 3 which is focused on GF. I hoped I would love Costco as it is the closest to my home and brand new. But I’m doing a Sam’s order tomorrow because the items are either not available at Costco or much more expensive. Chicken broth for example is $7 up from $6 for a 6 pack of organic GF cardboard 32oz boxes at Sam’s. I thought I might buy at Costco last week because I knew we were low and it was near $20. My daughter loves soup so that’s a staple I keep on hand.
You are always so industrious, but I’m glad you had a couple days to work quietly inside. Bummer about Bloglovin and your iTunes making it frustrating for you. I’m sorry about your aunt’s sudden turn. Yay that your daughter found good glasses and your new meal tries were a hit.
Have a good week, Anne!
Thank you Sophia. It’s been a rough end to the week. But I had a few successes. The Bloglovin is working again and I did nothing. I don’t use it; I just wanted followers to be able to follow. I hope I can remain industrious with the hot days this week, although we are supposed to get a bit of rain.
So sorry to hear about your aunt, Anne. No words. Glad your herbs grow so well. Oh yes, the Supreme Court. I was shocked when I heard it.
Thank you Vi! It’s been a rough week. At least I have good friends and books to comfort me.
I gave up on bloglovin’. It never works right for me. Sorry about your aunt. That is sad.
Thank you Samantha. Bloglovin seems to be working now but I don’t use it. I use Feedly. But I want it to work for followers.
“I understand more about iTunes / Apple Books than anyone ever wants to know. I know more about its directory structures in Windows than the techs I reached on the Apple support line.” <== LOL okay but as a plus, maybe you have a future job at Apple lol? So sorry you had to deal with that on top of everything else this week.
That video of Lulu was great 🙂 so cute and funny at the same time. And such a good girl not going after the rabbits when you told her. Buffy would not have done as well!
You're so kind to share your herbs with neighbors! I know I can never use all the plants produce, so great idea! I didn't garden this year as I just have had way too much on my plate and I'm missing having the beauty outside. I could go buy some plants fully grown, but I'm not sure it's worth it…
Have a great week!
Thanks maybe not more than anyone knows but more than anyone wants to know. Apple is building a big campus here though, something like 3000 jobs. Lulu is our best girl. Every year we get a little better at the garden and I love sharing them.
It’s nice to get new good recipes in the rotation. I get tired of making the same old things and sometimes I feel like I’m in a rut. Bunnies are so cute, but yes they’re not so good for the garden. I wish I was in your neighborhood so I could pick up some fresh herbs! Nice that you’re sharing! I’m going to plant some eventually, but we need to get our watering system worked out. Lots to do here! Hope you stay cool and get some rest!
Thank you Rachel. It’s my third summer here but in the those first two I was busy getting the garden beds and herb bed setup as well as perennials on every side of the house. I love them now because they are doing well mostly. You’ll get there.
I’m glad your daughter liked your new recipe. 😀 I always love finding new recipes that are a hit. I hope you have a great week.
Thank you. I hope moving goes well for you.
I’m so very sorry about your Aunt, so very sad. Yes, Friday was a sad day for most of us. I did love your little Lulu video! 🙂
Thank you Wendy. There’s nothing like watching Lulu sleep.
Both of those dishes sound really good. We have bunnies too in our neighborhood- a ton of ’em! They’re everywhere…
I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt.
That Taylor ARC looks like a good one, I’ve been seeing that one around lately.
Take care and have a good week.
Thank you Greg. I’ve already listened and reviewed the audio before the Sunday post. I’d been waiting for it. We really have a bunch of wildlife here but thankfully not too much. The deer are a step too far for me. I feel badly for them really because this area continues to get built and the beltway around the entire metro is going in only 2 miles south of us and won’t be great for the wildlife.
It’s always hard on the local wildlife when areas get really developed like that. Progress I guess is both good and bad. 🙂
I’m so sorry about your aunt. It’s sad to say goodbye to those we love. What a wonderful haul of books you received. Take care. I’ve followed you on Feedly!
Thank you Jodie. I am grateful for the wonderful books I am able to read. I love Feedly. The Bloglovin seems to be working again but I only want that to work for followers benefit.
A Lulu video!!!! Thank you, Anne…I needed that💜💜💜 Don’t you wonder what she was dreaming about?
Oh! Rabbits in your garden. As cute as they are they do wreak havoc with your stuff. Nice book pickups, though. What a freebie haul.
Have a great week (despite SCOTUS)!
Thanks Jonetta. Lulu is always precious. I worry that she remembers times before she was rescued that weren’t good or that she somehow misses her puppies. Luckily, the rabbits seem to have fled. The freebies I have read recently have just been ok mostly but I do enjoy getting to try them and new authors.
I’ve got an ARC of The Bodyguard I can’t wait to read! I had a bunny in my yard this past week too. It was so funny to see my Argyle chasing it around the shed a couple times till the bunny escaped out the fence and he couldn’t get it. I’m glad he did not, that would have made me sad. But the chase around the shed just had me laughing at him so much! Hope you have a good week!
Thanks Lisa. I just finished the Bodyguard about 15 minutes ago and I loved it. It made me mad and laugh and shed a few tears. Enjoy!
Damn Anne, I hate when technology is failing me. I stopped using bloglovin for that reason months ago!
It’s working again. I never use it; I just want it to be available for followers. I love Feedly.
OH the heat! It’s finally gotten hot (for us) up here. It’s been in the 80s. We put in the window air conditioners over the weekend. It’s still fine to walk in the morning – only about 70F or so, and near the water, there is usually some breeze in the morning.
Glad you figured out your computer stuff. Several years ago, I moved my iTunes library to the iCloud and it got all messed up. The files are there, but even when I point to the folders, iTunes (now Music on apple products), can’t find songs. I don’t use them anymore since I have Prime Music for streaming, and the files are all there, but it’s a pain. I got rid of all of my CDs and those are the only file copies left.
yes we are back to 2 days now with north wind and temp around 80 but it looks like a rainy period maybe starting the weekend or next week and that’s ok too. It rarely rains all day so we could get out although it also might be really humid then. Yes I have Music and Apple Book which both update from iTunes on my laptop. Apple was available and tried to be helpful but I’m not sure they understood my questions exactly. Anyway I understand it after my own analysis and on the first try. I have backups of everything so that part was easy.
I’m so sorry to hear about your aunt. We’ve been dealing with so much heat here as well. I’m almost ready for fall to hurry up and get here. Your tuna burger recipe sounds really good.
Thank you Suzanne. We have 2 days now with north wind and temp of 80 instead of 90 so I will get to mowing again. And more Lulu walking. The tuna burger is really good and fast. I love tuna but don’t make tuna salad very often. This version has less mayo and my daughter likes it so it is a real win for us.
So sorry to hear about your Aunt, my condolences to your family. I can’t believe you call 27 Celcius cool – that’s melting in a puddle heat for us 😊. Hope this is a better week for you.
Thank you Louise. Yes 27C with a north wind and low humidity feels pretty good compared to 38C with humidity or full sun.
I love Jeaniene Frost and will have to get caught up on her books at some point. Swiss Chard is so good and I would make it more often but the two stores that we shop at never have it. It’s been so hot here, I try to walk Falcor early in the morning and after the sun sets. My courtyard has shade from the Pine tree’s so at least he can go out there during the day.
Thank you Mary. I’ve finished the books in the Frost Read-along which are a reread so everything forward is new to me although I own them all. We aren’t up early in the morning but are trying to walk after dinner. It’s getting more buggy though. It’s also over 90 after dark some days. UGH.
I’m so sorry about your aunt. How awful. I bet you’ve been getting some comforting Lulu time though. She looks like the biggest sweetie. How kind to share your herbs with your neighbors. I meant to grow herbs this year but somehow just didn’t make it happen this year. Hope you are having a much better week.
Thank you Katherine. What I like about growing herbs in NC is that things like rosemary, mint and sage are perennials. I bought one $4 rosemary plant and it supplies us year round and it is waist high. The neighbors were doing me a favor since I hate to trim and just throw away any of it. Lulu is our best girl.
I’m sorry to hear about your aunt.
My aunt and uncle who live in Raleigh visited us for a few days this week. It was about 90 degrees both days we were active outside, but at least Billings isn’t humid like Raleigh. I hope they weren’t expecting a cool escape!
Thanks Jen. Oddly, I find Raleigh is less humid and a narrower temperature range than Minnesota.