Sunday Post – 17 July 2022 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted July 17, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 56 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar. Last day to enter for 2 giveaways.

Sunday, a cooler day but too wet to mow.  I was up earlier than usual and onto blog visiting.  It was a bit rainy all day which made it cooler and we needed it.  The facebook chat was fun for the Read-along.  I did a bunch of research on different computers and we think we found one that will work for my daughter which isn’t too expensive and very light weight.  We are just trying to decide if it might go on sale for Prime Day this week.

Monday, I got up a bit early and did my computer things, laundry and phones calls for medical appts for my daughter. I did more research on laptops and found one newer with a faster processor than the one we favored yesterday.  It had a 20% discount which made it in the same price as the older, slower ones, plus it had free Prime delivery / returns.   It was a bit cooler 85F / 30C and cloudy.   I did mowing, trimming, and edging.   I was able to use the trimmer by myself for the first time since I owned them. I had to stop and fix the plastic “lines” 3 times but I did get everything trimmed.   I also planted my primroses in the front bed and watered everything.  I was so sweaty so I had to shower for the second time.  We did manage to walk Lulu a bit after dinner.

Tuesday, it’s  a Prime Day so I was busy looking at things we need / want to see if they were on sale. I did get some reviews written.  My daughter did not get up early and had her final to finish today.   I had so many things I wanted to do I was even up late. I washed the blanket my daughter made on delicate and set it out on a water resistant mattress cover to dry on the bed.

Wednesday,  I did some watering and plant debris pickup when I took Lulu out.  It threatened to rain today but didn’t. I was happy the Amazon order came just before we left for my daughter’s dentist appt.   Then we stopped at Joanns so she could get more yarn for her current project.  I picked up a rotisserie chicken at BJ’s  and then did a Walmart pickup on the way home.   My daughter setup her new computer and it’s perfect.  It’s fast and lighter and worked right away.   I got a few more items on sale for Prime Day.

Thursday, my daughter was still awake at 11:30am!  I hope she can get up for supper.  The summer dress I really wanted online which was $95 went on sale for $23!!   It has pockets, of course.  The weather isn’t too bad this morning but it’s supposed to hit 92. The clouds and north wind are making it comfortable this morning.  I decided to move my domain from GoDaddy over to NoseGraze.  It will be less expensive by a little but then I’ll have everything together.  It took an hour on hold but then it was easy enough.   I also renewed my Mister Linky subscription. My daughter got her new glasses and sunglasses from Zenni and I got book mail – a hardcover with dust jacket.

Friday,  I felt sort of relaxed today and did more reading.   Another day that was hot but bearable, at least after the hail and downpour and thunder over dinner time. We walked Lulu after dinner and she was ecstatic, as usual.


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Marlene at  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):


My appreciative thanks to Montlake,   Minotaur Books, Berkley Romance,                         


(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)


I got these 3 at the 3 day Audible sale. 

I used a Prime No Rush shipping reward  to buy this one.

Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.






I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.





Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted July 17, 2022 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 56 Comments

56 responses to “Sunday Post – 17 July 2022

  1. I love Zenni glasses. They are so affordable. Do they have RX sunglasses? I’ll have to look into that. We’ve only ever added on the snap on kind.

  2. Glad that you were able to get your Amazon. I’ve been hesitant to order from Amazon, Gap or Target as the items are not in store or don’t manage to get to my home. It seems like such a great concept though.

    • Nosegraze does my hosting and converted my reviews over from The Book Nympho in 2017. I could learn more about WordPress but I’d rather focus on other things. I have access to all her plugins including UBB and she loads all the updates etc. So it works well for me.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier
  3. Sounds like your research netted you a great deal on the new computer. Glad it’s working out well. I nabbed a few things on Prime Days but nothing major. I usually grab a rotisserie chicken any time we go to Costco. At just $5 they’re so versatile and a great buy. I see Come Back for Me among your freebies. I really loved that one – and the whole series.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted: The Sunday Post #295 | July 17, 2022
    • Thanks. I get 6 emails every day for deals and freebies. Ebooksdaily (2 one deals, one freebies), Bookbub, Booksends, Ereader News Today, The Portalist, plus author newsletters often have freebies. Yes it’s a bunch of emails to go through but it doesn’t take that long and I’ve gotten lots of great freebies from authors I know or are popular later. Often it’s the first in a popular series which is perfect to try out the author / series.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier
  4. That’s awesome that you found the right computer for your daughter! And a new one at the same price as a used one too. We had horrible heat here this past week. No rain really, a little bit last night, but that’s it. I had to go see if one of your freebies was still free and it was, so now I’ve got my first one to share in next week’s post, lol. Have a great week!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #76 – July 17th, 2022
  5. Nice that you got some cloudy days to keep the heat down and some rain so you didn’t have to water as much. I got a few great household deals with the Prime Days. Yay for finding the computer you needed, too. We got our shower walls fitted and tub kit project done and it looks great. Looks like you had a nice productive week.

    Have a good week, Anne!

  6. I’m glad you found an affordable computer for your daughter, and how great that the dress you wanted went on sale!

    I’d love to talk with you sometime about switching to NozeGraze for hosting. GoDaddy has gotten so expensive, and I have two sites with them, my blog and my business site (which is mostly static, except for a contact-me page.)

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Sunday Post – 7/17/2022
  7. It sounds like you’ve had a busy week. I’m glad the weather was cooler and you got some moisture. We had a rainy day this past week as well. It was so nice because it cooled it down to 72° from the over 100° temps we’ve been having. How fun for your daughter to get a new lap top. 😀 I’m glad it’s faster and lighter. That will make it easy to lug around as she goes to classes. I hope you have a great week and thanks for commenting on my post!

    Jenni Elyse recently posted: Sunday Post #27
  8. It sounds like you’ve had a full week but managed to get some real bargains! I don’t think the general public knows how expensive maintaining a blog can be (never mind the amount of time preparing posts and social media stuff). Have a wonderful week ahead.

    Jodie recently posted: The Sunday Post #15: Time to Relax
    • yes Jodie I am sure they don’t really know what it costs. There is the cost of the blog, hosting domains, annual fees for some add-ons. I also do prizes for my Series on Saturday and sometimes the Read-along and Library Love Challenge. It’s easily almost $500 a year and I spend a lot of time on creating posts, reading, thinking up ideas, etc. I enjoy it though. I don’t do the affiliate thing either. And no one pays for my reviews beyond getting a review copy but I review honestly.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 The IT Girl by Ruth Ware
  9. I totally missed Prime day! I had a grad party to throw this week so that took all my time. Now I can relax lol.

    Your books look good as usual. I’ve been reading thrillers lately so those always get my attention now. Hope your weekend was a nice one (and hopefully not too hot!)

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #461
    • Well Greg, I spent a lot on Prime Day but they were things we wanted / needed. I bought a few extra items from wishlists since they were reduced in price. The past week was hot but with rain cool downs. This week looks to be just the hot. My neighbors on one sided mowed Saturday, on the other side they haven’t mowed for 4 weeks at least. I mowed 2 weeks ago. I’m going to try to hold out a week until it’s a little cooler. I love the thrillers; they are like comfort reads. lol

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
  10. I bought a couple of TVs on Prime Day since we included our old TV in the sale of our house down south. We haven’t had a TV for about 2 months now. I haven’t really missed it to be honest, but I wanted a TV for my daughter and SIL when they visit the end of this week. Also, for any other visitors that’ll be staying with us. I got one for my bedroom that looks like framed artwork so at least it doesn’t look like tech. Glad your Prime Deals worked out!

    I didn’t know Allison Brennan and Laura Griffin collaborated. I need to check those out. I also got a copy of Storm Echo and I’m excited for it! I’m looking forward to Vanishing Hour too!

    Rachel recently posted: Sunday Post #169
    • I didn’t know either until the first one came up as an audio deal during Prime Days. The later ones have no audio and some aren’t at the library. The audible deals during Prime Days were some of the oldest stuff I’ve ever seen! Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading the Brennan / Griffin collab. The only tv I have is a 22″ one my brother ran out and bought at Target because his daughter got a new DS for Christmas needing a big screen and all my tvs at the time were analog with converter boxes (2011). My daughter kind of wants a bigger one but really we only watch stuff on our laptops and she watches more so on her Kindle Fire, or sometimes her iphone.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 The IT Girl by Ruth Ware
  11. Sounds like you had a bus.y week. I ended up buying a TV for our guest bedroom on prime day. It worked out since my husband is now banished there until he recovers. I hope this week is a good one. Enjoy your new book/audio haul.

    Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted: Sunday Post #533
  12. The computer sounds like a really good deal – I always love it when I manage to get something that ticks all the boxes for a lower price and what with the cost of living crisis right now, we certainly have to watch the pennies! We’re also dealing with temperatures in the 80s this week – something almost unheard of here in the UK. So fans are on and the windows are shut, as it’s cooler indoors than out. And that doesn’t happen very often!! I hope the coming week is a good one, Anne:).

    • Thank you Sarah. The computer was a seriously good deal which was great since I hadn’t planned for a few hundred dollars to be spent on one. It’s in the 90s here 35C + Last week there was some rain to cool down some days but this week just looks hot. I look forward to staying inside and reading.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier
  13. Jen

    Sounds like a pretty good week. I haven’t been getting in any reading. I keep thinking “I’ll get up and read” or “I’ll take some time this afternoon to read,” and then I get busy doing something else. I’ve been staying up later watching TV with my daughter, so I am falling asleep after reading one chapter at night. Oh well. I hope you have a great week ahead.

    • The heat is turning this into the lazy days of summer. We do walk Lulu to the corner after dinner, right before dark, but it’s not far and still hot. At least this heat is mostly only July and August here. I listen to audiobooks as I do stuff during the day but I have the same problem of falling asleep after not reading much at night on the ebooks sometimes. We’d go to the neighborhood pool but I’m still wary of Covid.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 The IT Girl by Ruth Ware
    • yes we have enjoyed that convenience for years now and taken full advantage of subscribing to some things which are heavy to carry and had them delivered monthly to our doorstep. It’s been great during Covid as we go out much less. I am doing curbside again more often though.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier
    • Thank you! Zenni has worked out well. Our new eye doctor is pretty reasonable for those without vision insurance too. I think it’s more reasonable than back in the days when we had insurance actually. The computer was a gift that we found such a new model, refurbished one at a great price.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: 🎧 Eclipse the Moon by Jessie Mihalik
  14. All that rain we got last week was crazy, right? We had something like 8″ and the drive washed out 3 times making hubby unhook the backhoe and hook up the box scraper 3 different days. At least he’s getting faster at it with practice. LOL I miss the after rain coolness so much. Sounds like you had a busy week. Hopefully this week will be slower.

    • I didn’t realize we got that much rain but I felt like we needed it. Maybe that’s why the yard is all green. Now it’s just hot and hot and we aren’t getting rain even when it’s projected much. I like it so I don’t have to water and for the cool down which also isn’t happening this week. The neighbor who hadn’t mowed for 5 weeks mowed on Monday so now my grass looks a little long. But it’s too hot to mow right now.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Thrifty Thursday: DOGs edition
  15. I always wondered what you were meant to do to with those delicate items which say “dry flat”. I need to get a waterproof cover and I’ll be sorted! Glad you got a new PC sorted and that dress was very much a bargain price.

    • yes, I have a small drying rack I put in the bath tub most of the time for regular things like sweaters or whatever can’t be dried but the blanket is huge so that was all I could think of doing. The mattress cover was more water resistant than waterproof but that was ok because the blanket wasn’t sopping wet. Dresses or shirts I sometimes put on a hanger and hang in the shower.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier
  16. I am glad that you found a computer that will work well for your daughter. I didn’t even look at what was on sale for Prime Week. I have a wedding to pay for so no shopping for me. It sounds like you got a lot of things done around the house. I hope you are having a great week!

  17. Yay for getting some good deals on Prime Day! Especially the dress. I can never resist a dress with pockets. I bought a couple of things but I’m sure I missed some great deals. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  18. Busy week! It’s been super hot here so we’ve been inside in the a/c as much as possible. Love that blanket that your daughter made!

    • Thanks Stephanie. This week is just hot and we are staying in too. I bought the yarn for that blanket in 2006. She made the blanket I planned to make. It matches our family room perfectly and we had different colors before 2019 so it’s weird how it worked out.

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: Thrifty Thursday: DOGs edition