So I am thrilled to actually be getting started READING now. It’s sad to me I’ve been buying these on audio and wanting to read them for YEARS. I actually scheduled a Read-along so I can get to them. It’s a way to commit myself (and my friends.) Urban Fantasy is my favorite genre. I do tend to read more female lead characters than males but I enjoy all well-developed characters with world-building, action and plot.
I was actually lucky enough to meet Kevin Hearne in 2016 at NOLAStorycon. Molly Harper photobombed us! I actually met Robin, one of my blogging team, at the event, as well as KC. KC is a friend of one of my friends and it turned out she lived in the same metro area as me.
It looks like we have a pretty equal mix of newbies (not read the series) and diehard fans. I am sort of both having read the first book twice and being a diehard fan, but not having read the rest of the series. Plus I will give most anything narrated by Luke Daniels a chance.
Recommendation: If you want to get reminders and keep up with the Read-along, I’m going to suggest you sign up for the Weekly digest list. It emails on Friday which is the same day as the Read-along, so that post will be brand new and at the top. This way you only get one email per week, which is basically a digest. You can click on any post you want to read in more detail. Of course, you can subscribe to all the blog posts but that will be 8-10 emails a week because we post every day. It’s all reviews, pretty much. Deals, sales, spotlights or cover reveals are not posted on the blog but on Facebook, Mastodon and Twitter. You really don’t need to subscribe to both lists!
You will have 4-5 weeks to read each book plus novellas. There will be games, discussion, prizes, reviews and fun with each book. Kevin Hearne has agreed to do a Q&A for the Read-along so I will be collecting questions in the rafflecopters. The prizes will include some paperbacks, digital books, audiobooks, and paperbacks through Book Depository.
Here’s your to-do list:
- Find your copies of these books, borrow them from a friend, get them at the library or buy them.
- Read the Novellas:
- Book #0.4, Grimoire of the Lamb. Available in ebook or audio.
- Book #0.5, Clan Rathskeller. which can be downloaded in .pdf format HERE from Goodreads (or at the end of the Hounded ebook). It is also on the audio for Grimoire of the Lamb.
- Book #0.6, Kaibab Unbound. It’s a bonus short story at the end of the Hounded ebook. It’s also part of Two Tales of IDC (audio).
- Read book 1, Hounded by March 3.
- Make note of a favorite quote or two as you read the book.
- If you haven’t read the books before, make a list of questions you have for the discussion. If you have read them, please don’t spoil new readers.
- Enter the giveaways!
We are doing one book every 4-5 weeks, posting on Fridays. We will have a review for most of the books with the team here at Books of My Heart plus some of our friends.
Mar 3: Hounded – Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter
Apr 7: Hexed – Jonetta @ Blue Mood Cafe
May 5: Hammered – Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About
Jun 2: Tricked – Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
Jul 7: Trapped – Rachel @ Waves of Fiction
Aug 4: Hunted – KC @ Books of My Heart
Sep 8: Shattered – Berls @ Because Reading
Oct 6: Staked – Sophia @ Books of My Heart
Nov 3: Besieged – Kimberly @Caffeinated Reviewer
Dec 1: Scourged – Anne @ Books of My Heart
Dec 17: Q & A with Kevin Hearne
The chat will be Sunday, March 5th
COYER Challenge is adopting our Read-along. You can read about COYER and join that challenge or just the Facebook community chat HERE. On the Sunday after the review posts, they will host a FB room (like we do for COYER book club) at 12 PT, 2 CT, 3 ET and 9pm Europe, for a one hour chat. You do not have to join the COYER challenge to participate, only the Facebook group.
Be sure to enter the giveaways!!!
For US MP3 audio copy of Hounded ,and for Intl a paperback from Book depository. The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!)
Grand-Prize Giveaway:
For a US / Canadian winner, this will be a full set of SIGNED trade paperbacks by Kevin Hearne.
For an Intl winner, it will be $50 at Book Depository. The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!)
Join the 2023 Read-along in reading Hounded by Kevin Hearne! It's time to start READING! #giveaways #giveaway @BooksofMyHeart Share on X
To Sign up for the Read-Along go HERE
- 🎧 Cold as Hell by Kelley Armstrong @KelleyArmstrong #TheresePlummer @MinotaurBooks @MacmillanAudio#LoveAudiobooks - February 18, 2025
- Sunday Post – 16 February 2025 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality - February 16, 2025
- 🎧 Wooing the Witch Queen by Stephanie Burgis @stephanieburgis #AmandaLeighCobb@torbooks @BrambleRomance @MacmillanAudio #LoveAudiobooks - February 15, 2025
I met Kevin at Apollycon too! The new cover grab my attention, and probably would have me giving them a chance if I had any time to add new books to my reading list right now! I’ll be paying attention to this fun read along to get an idea about the books and if I should add them to my TBR.
Thanks Lisa. Wow I didn’t know he was ever at Apollycon. That’s near me but I’m still on staying home and avoiding crowds mode. Of course, you should consider these books. I only pick the best books for the Read-along. lol But they are kind of a different genre than your normal.
Oh no, you’re right, I meant I saw him at Nola Storycon. Got to typing without thinking, lol.
I’ve never met Kevin, but he’s on my “really want to meet” wish list! I’ve listened to the entire series (with the exception of a few novellas/shorts). I am excited to be re-listening with the group. I’ve even put the book chat on my calendar! Let’s Go!!
yes! It’s time to get started. Many of the novellas are available at the library on audio too. I’ve bought almost everything though on audio.
Very excited to be part of the read along. This is my favorite series. Up until now I’ve just been borrowing them from the library but I’m now the proud owner of five of the books and plan to own the entire series by the end of the year. Just love this series and looking forward to discussing it with new and “old” fans ❤️
So happy to have you join us. Since we have lots of time for each book, you could still get some from the library.
That’s so exciting. I haven’t read this series before. And although it’s a bit out of my normal reading genre, it sure sounds like a fun read. Enjoy.
Thanks Maureen. I’m so excited to get started now. I announce early so people can plan but then there’s the waiting to start.
Absolutely my favorite series of books.
Never get tired of reading them.
Thank you! We would be glad to have you read-along with us.
Like you’ve I’ve started the series- got through book 3- and was a fan, but fell off the wagon. I’m excited to keep going.
yes I love to commit my friends to my plans. lol
So much fun in these books!
I’ve only read Hounded and some short stories but I’m thrilled to finally get them all read.
I’m really looking forward to this! I’m in-between categories; I have read the first four books (or maybe three and a half?), but bogged down after book 4 and didn’t continue the series. The fault wasn’t the books, and I always meant to get back to them, so this will be a great way to kickstart me back into the series.
Very excited to have you join us Kara. You always note such interesting things about books and characters.
I’m signed up. I haven’t read these before, so I’m excited.
I’m thrilled to have you join us Role. These are urban fantasy without much romance, rather different the series we read the past 2 years.
I’ve read the whole series, but I don’t think I’ve read all the novellas. I think I need to read these prequels. Fun that you met Kevin! It’ll be a fun read-along!
Thank you Rachel. I’m excited to get started reading now. I like to note all the novellas. Since the series is complete it’s a good time to read. We have a nice long 4-5 weeks to read each book so for me it won’t be hard to fit in the novellas as they are short.
I have read most but not all of the series. These books aren’t too long so I might try to join in.
That would be awesome Carole. You can link in any reviews you have already posted if you have time.
I joke that I was his first fan that wasn’t a student or family. Hounded was brand new and being featured at my favorite bookstore in Tempe, AZ. I bought a copy, read it in one day that included a lot of the night into the next calendar day . I couldn’t stop reading. I then showed up early to make sure I had a great seat to hear this incredible author speak and read. Because I was early, and the quarters were tight, I was obligated to chat. Everyone knew him and I had to keep telling someone that no grandchildren or children had the honor of his teaching them.
He joked and introduced himself and read a bit. He was as engaging in person as his voice on the page. Then came questions.
When he called on me I paused and said I had a question for the audience, who else was here because of the powerful book. I asked for anyone there who only knew him as an author to raise their hand.
I was the only one.
Now there are tens of thousands of people who have met The Iron Druid before the jocular genius behind him.
But I was his first, only met the Wolfhound and Druid Fan.
Have read them all and listened to them all and have meant to do it again.
So thanks for the excuse to start.
We will be so happy to have you join us. I’ve purchased all the books and novellas and am also glad to have an excuse to get them all read.
How fun!
You are welcome to join us if you like Carole Rae.
So excited to FINALLY be reading these books! I read the first one a couple years ago with COYER bookclub and have been excited for this readalong ever since. So many people love them so after that first book I’m convinced I’ll love them too.
Thanks I am thrilled to have you with me and reading with me on my journeys.
I have the first novellas ready to go on my Kobo, I just haven’t had a chance to read them yet. Hopefully soon.
I’m all set and plan to start next week after I finish some ARCs this week.
I’m going to give it a try!
Great! Happy to have you join us.
i’m new to the series and after reading all these wonderful comments, I’m eager to get reading. Just got my first one from the library today – they didn’t have this particular one on audio, but when it’s available, I’ll be trying that format as well. Looking forward to the conversations!
I’m glad to have you joining us. The audio is fantastic. I know the audio was at the library a couple years back but apparently not the Brilliance ones anymore, the first 3. After that, plus many of the novellas are at my library. I have collected them all since I knew I would love them.