Read-along & #Giveaway: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @kimbacaffeinate

Posted May 17, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 14 Comments

Read-along & #Giveaway:  White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland @dianarowland #AllisonMcLemore @dawbooks @AudibleStudios #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks @kimbacaffeinateWhite Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland
Narrator: Allison McLemore
Series: White Trash Zombie #5
Published by Brilliance Audio, Del Ray on October 6, 2015
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Length: 11 hours, 18 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Purchased
AmazonAudibleBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Angel Crawford has buried her loser past and is cruising along in undead high gear—that is, until a murder-by-decapitation sends her on a hazardous detour. As Angel hunts for the killer, she uncovers a scheme that would expose zombies to the public and destroy the life she’s built, and she’s determined not to rest until she finds out who’s behind it.

Soon she’s neck-deep in lies, redneck intrigue, zombie hunters, and rot-sniffing cadaver dogs. It’s up to her to unravel the truth and snuff out the conspiracy before the existence of zombies makes headline news and she’s outed as a monster.

But Angel hasn’t quite escaped the pill-popping ghosts of her past—not with an illicit zombie pharmaceutical at her fingertips. Good thing she’s absolutely sure she can handle the drug’s unpredictable side effects and still take down the bad guys…or maybe she’s only one bad choice away from being dead meat—for real this time.

White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland is the fifth book in the White Trash Zombie series. Hilarious, Intense, and filled with both crazy and heartfelt moments, we once again witness Angel Crawford lose her shit and save the day. I absolutely love listening to this series. Allison McLemore narrates and just brings Angel and the other characters to life.

We are back from New York, and Angel has a problem thanks to a zombie pharmaceutical. She is sneaking some of this drug without the others knowing, and it’s causing some problems. Like increasing her need for BRAIIIIINS! However, this doesn’t stop her from uncovering a conspiracy to the zombies.

Rowland’s descriptions, particularly the action scenes, had me sitting motionless as the story unraveled in 3D. Punches of humor that only Angel could deliver helped keep the darker moments light, and it was one heck of a ride.

Angel is a character you cannot help but root for. She is kick-ass, a little unpolished, and smart as a whip. When she opens her mouth, you never know what will pop out. If she cares about you, then you are one of the lucky ones because she will move heaven and earth to protect you.

Conspiracies, zombie hunters, exposure, and danger continue in White Trash Zombie Gone WildSome interesting things happen at the morgue where Angela works, some very interesting things. Saberton Industries are still in the picture, but they took a backseat in this edition.

Now before you say, Kim, this looks hilarious and action-packed, but I do not do zombies. Rowland has created zombies that live among us, and look like us. They just have to snack on brains occasionally to avoid decomposing. It is like me without coffee. I would totally decompose without it! COFFEE! I NEED MORE COFFFFFEEEEE!!!!

White Trash Zombie Gone Wild delivered all the action, humor and snark I love in this series.


Allison McLemore is the voice of Angel and the crew. I could not imagine the series without her. If you are looking for a unique Urban Fantasy, I cannot recommend the audio version of White Trash Zombie enough.

One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Listen to a clip: HERE


Share your review/ thoughts on White Trash Zombie Gone Wild:

I thought it might be fun to link up reviews so we can find them all easily.  It can be a link to Goodreads or a blog, or wherever you have a review (short or long).

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The chat will be Sunday,  May 19

COYER Challenge is adopting our Read-along.  You can read about COYER and join that challenge or just the community chat HERE.   On the Sunday after the review posts, they will host a Google meeting (like we do for COYER book club) at 12 PT, 2 CT, 3 ET and 9pm Europe, for a one hour chat.   You do not have to join the COYER challenge to participate, only the COYER Facebook group.

Here’s your to-do list:

  1. Find your copies of these books, borrow them from a friend, get them at the library or buy them
  2. Read book 6  White Trash Zombie Unchained by June 21
  3. Look to the COYER event or the blog Facebook page for pacing schedules
  4. Make note of a favorite quote or two as you read the book.
  5. If you haven’t read the books before, make a list of questions you have for the discussion. If you have read them, please don’t spoil new readers.
  6. Enter questions you have for Diana Rowland in the Rafflecopter for the Q & A post in July  (Last chance!)
  7. Enter the giveaways!



Who said (enter the answer in the Rafflecopter, don’t put in the comments)

Who said                              “Oh my god, really? Could you try again with a little less Asshole? ”

There are other options in the rafflecopter for you to enter discussion questions and quotes to share.

The quote for Who said  “A toe? A finger? His balls?” in White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back is Jane.

The villain was Saberton.


Be sure to enter the giveaways!!!



For US Amazon Digital copy of White Trash Zombie Unchained, and for Intl a $8 Amazon Gift Card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Grand-Prize Giveaway:

For a US winner, this will be a full set of paperbacks offered by DAW Books.

For an Intl winner,  it will be $50 certificate from Better World Books.  The giveaway is international, as long as Better World Books ships there free of charge (find that out here!)



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join us in the 2024 Read-along of the White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland! Time to read White Trash Zombie Unchained. #giveaways #giveaway @BooksofMyHeart Share on X



We are doing one book every 4-5 weeks, posting on Fridays. We will have a review for most of the books with the team here at Books of My Heart plus some of our friends.

Jan 19:   My Life As a White Trash Zombie                                       –  Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About

Feb 16:   Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues                        –   Carole @ Carole’s Random Life

Mar 15:  White Trash Zombie Apocalypse                                        –  Brandee @Unconventional Bookworms

Apr 19:   How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back    –  Rachel @ Waves of Fiction 

May 17:  White Trash Zombie  Gone Wild                                         –  Kimberly @Caffeinated Reviewer

Jun 21:   White Trash Zombie  Unchained                                        –  Kai @ Fiction State of Mind      

Jul 6:    Q & A with Diana Rowland


About Allison McLemore

Actress: The Fairies’ Child. Allison McLemore is known for The Fairies’ Child (2015), The Vacation (2005) and Recently, Long Ago (2014).

About Diana Rowland

Diana Rowland worked as a bartender, a blackjack dealer, a pit boss, a street cop, a detective, a computer forensics specialist, a crime scene investigator, and a morgue assistant, which means that she’s seen a lot of weird crap. She won the marksmanship award in her Police Academy class, has a black belt in Hapkido, has handled numerous dead bodies in various states of decomposition, and can’t rollerblade to save her life.

About Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer

Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 24-COYER

Posted May 17, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 14 Comments

14 responses to “Read-along & #Giveaway: White Trash Zombie Gone Wild by Diana Rowland

  1. Ha, yes, I agree that this series is a great way to tryout zombies for the first time. Poor Angel did get herself in the suds with her addiction. I just love this series. Fun review, Kimberly!

    Sophia Rose recently posted: Happy Medium by Sarah Adler
  2. I love the sound of this one – though I think I’ll give it a pass at present, due to the issues around Angel’s addiction… Right now I need something a bit more escapist!! Thank you for a cracking review, Anne.

  3. Great review Kimberly! My favorite action scene was when Angel tossed the “plastic brain” at the person she was pursuing. I laughed so hard!