Casually Cursed by Kimberly Frost

Posted February 5, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Casually Cursed by Kimberly FrostCasually Cursed by Kimberly Frost
Series: Southern Witch #5
Published by Berkley on February 3, 2015
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Tammy Jo rarely sets a toe outside Texas, but when she learns her mother is in trouble, Tammy is determined to save her—even if it means going to hell and back…

Fresh off her engagement to wizard Bryn Lyons, Tammy Jo is surprised to make another new family connection when she meets the twin sister she never knew she had. After being spirited away to the fae kingdom of Never as an infant, Kismet has finally escaped, and arrived in Duvall, Texas, with some terrible news: their mother, Marlee, is a prisoner of the Seelie fae.

Crossing the ocean to battle the fae isn’t Tammy Jo’s idea of a romantic getaway, but Bryn refuses to let her go alone—as do her aunt Edie and her ex-husband Zach. Unfortunately, their plot to free Marlee is foiled when they are caught by the fae queen. And the only chance the queen gives them to save Marlee’s life may be an impossible quest…

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I’ve read every book in Southern Witch series in 2014, including this ARC at the end of the year. I love the characters and the zany antics. Magic is my favorite paranormal thing. The previous two books, HALFWAY HEXED and SLIGHTLY SPELLBOUND, were among my favorite reads in 2014.

So I was excited to read CASUALLY CURSED. I knew it would involve more of the fae side of the family and more of  Tamara’s relatives. I was worried the relatives would be horrible to Bryn or somehow separate him from Tamara. And of course, there would be some big adventure or why would there be a book?

I enjoyed the developing relationship between Tamara and her sister, Kismet.  They were the focus of this story.  There was also the dilemma of their mother being somewhat trapped in the fae world.  I was interested to learn more about their father, too. It was nice to see Tamara come into her own more and figure out some things herself.

I did not enjoy the way Edie and Zach treated Bryn.  In general, I am pissed off at Zach.   He was not fun, in any way, in this story.   I’ve never liked him very much since he always thought he should tell Tamara what to do and who to be.  I like him even less now.

That is probably because I have always loved Bryn.  This story didn’t really have much time with Tamara and Bryn in intimate conversations or working together against the bad guys.  I mean, they were together, but the attention was on Tamara and her sister.  I wanted more interaction with this couple. There was just one sexy scene. I’m really just as enamored by dialog, however.  I put an example of one kind of banter I want, as my giggle-worthy quote, below.

I’ll be interested to see where the Southern Witch series goes from here with many of the bad guys stopped and mysteries solved in this installment.  I look forward to more, even though CASUALLY CURSED was not my favorite book of the series.


Giggle worthy quote:   

I got a suite with two big beds and a couch. My jaw dropped at the price, but I bit my lip and slid the card across the desk.

“May I see your ID? And can you sign your card, please?”

I pulled the card back to me and flipped it over. I walked to Bryn with a pen. “New card. huh? You forgot to sign the back.”

“Your card. You sign,” he said, then closed his eyes.

“My….”  I stared at him. He’d picked this moment to give me the card. A time when he was sick and probably knew I wouldn’t argue. Bryn’s real rich.  And I’ve told him I don’t plan on spending his money.  But we kind of disagree about that. He wants me to feel like we’re together in everything. Only he made all his millions before he met me, so that doesn’t seem exactly fair to me. And I don’t want people thinking I got together with him for his loot.

“Sneaky timing. You are such a lawyer sometimes,” I whispered in my own raspy voice. “We’re gonna have a fight about this later. Just so you know.”

Bryn gave me a thumps-up, which struck me as absurd, so I laughed. He smiled, too, without opening his eyes.

Series Reading Order: 

Would-be Witch
Barely Bewitched
Halfway Hexed
Slightly Spellbound
Casually Cursed


Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted February 5, 2015 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

4 responses to “Casually Cursed by Kimberly Frost

  1. Felicia – HOW could you stop at the end of book 3?!?!?!?! Those were my 2 fav books in the series so far. I waited like, oh two minutes between finishing book 3 and moving on to book 4! And it was already something like 3 in the morning. I barely hesitated moving on to the next book, thank goodness it was out already and on my Kindle already. I did have to resort to plugging in my Kindle and leaning over the nightstand to read when I ran out of power.
