🎧 Shattered Pieces by Stacy Claflin @growwithstacy @t_wolstencroft @TantorAudio #KindleUnlimited‏ #LoveAudiobooks

Posted May 1, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

🎧 Shattered Pieces by Stacy Claflin @growwithstacy @t_wolstencroft @TantorAudio #KindleUnlimited‏   #LoveAudiobooksShattered Pieces by Stacy Claflin
Narrator: Tina Wolstencroft
Series: Brannon House #4
Published by Tantor Audio on April 27, 2021
Genres: Mystery
Length: 6 hours, 5 minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Publisher
Amazon,  Audible,  Libro.fm
One StarOne StarOne Star

Most family ties are silken threads. Others are literally handcuffs.

Kenzi Brannon thinks most of her problems are behind her until she gets a call from the local jail. Her mother, a proven killer, is being released due to overcrowding. Blood takes care of blood, so there is no turning Regina away.

She returns to live at Brannon House. A haunted house. A house reputedly so cursed, some neighbors want it razed to the ground.

But her niece’s friends and the rest of the town would love to explore. And Halloween seems like the perfect time to open their doors to the community. Despite Regina promising to be on her best behavior, Kenzi has concerns her mother might do something to ruin the evening.

It turns out far worse than she feared. With innocent lives on the line, Kenzi must put a stop to her mother’s maniacal actions—but first, she’ll have to find her.

Shattered Pieces is not the wrong title for this book.   It jumps all over the place. The viewpoints are primarily Kenzi, Ember and Grandma.  This review and this book, definitely contain spoilers for previous books.

The primary story arcs are that somehow Grandma is released from prison because of overcrowding.   Ember is spending a lot of time with her Dad, and actively trying to get Kenzi and Graham together. Kenzi is trying to figure out where to have her mom live other than with them, and to figure out her relationships.

The emotions and choices of the characters do not seem realistic or authentic to me.   They do have money so it is easier for them to do what they want without worrying about the costs or being tied to a schedule to make their living.

Bella and Jack have almost no role.  We do get to see Jack continue to blossom now he is out in the world, which is nice. I’m glad to see he is not having more problems after being shut away so many years.

The Brannon House series is one I would read in order, as I think you’d be lost otherwise.  There’s some mystery, some romance and some horror.  The books are short but a bit over the top.


This narrator is the same throughout this series, so now I am familiar with her.   I still feel like Ember’s voice is lower or deeper than Kenzi’s voice which felt odd to me, as Ember is younger.   I was comfortable with the performance overall and able to stay in the story.  I listened at my normal 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE

About Stacy Claflin

.Stacy Claflin is a USA Today bestselling thriller author who has published more than 75 novels, including Girl in Trouble and The Perfect Death. She has always been curious about the human mind, and in her quest to learn more, she earned a degree in Psychology. Her favorite course was Abnormal Behavior, which has been useful in writing fiction.

Her love for thrillers goes back to her early childhood when she fell in love with Unsolved Mysteries and America’s Most Wanted. When Stacy was five, she got mad at a babysitter who wouldn’t let her watch the evening news. These days, she spends her free time listening to true crime podcasts or watching documentaries on the subject.

She has been telling stories for as long as she can remember, and as child would often get into trouble for trying to convince friends her wild tales were true. Now she puts her creativity to better use by writing page-turning stories that leave readers begging for more.

Stacy occasionally dabbles in other genres, so as you peruse her library of works, you’ll find some romance and paranormal tales, all with strong suspense elements.

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne Star
Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted May 1, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 4 Comments

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