The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy by Sophie Turner @sophturner1805 @sophiarose1816 #KindleUnlimited #ThriftyThursday

Posted April 17, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 16 Comments

The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy by Sophie Turner @sophturner1805  @sophiarose1816 #KindleUnlimited #ThriftyThursdayThe Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy by Sophie Turner
Published by Self-Published on April 16, 2023
Genres: Historical Fiction
Pages: 578
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

After a tragic accident, Fitzwilliam Darcy is left for dead. His grief-stricken wife vows to do what is best for their children, including an ill-advised second marriage in the peerage.

Years later, Will Trevills leaves his happy life in Cornwall to discover the truth about his past. Thrust into a strange world after life as a fisherman, he gains a family he cannot recall. Lady Neston becomes Mrs. Darcy once more, and is grateful for her escape. But her husband questions his purpose as a gentleman, and cannot remember the love they shared.

Charged with bigamy, she may face the ultimate punishment, while the family she sought to protect has never been in greater peril.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ends with the new Mrs. Darcy inviting all their family and friends for Christmas and leaving readers with a happy glow of satisfaction.  But, what came after the happily ever after?  Sophie Turner explores a new harder, darker path for Jane Austen’s romantic couple adding gothic overtones, angsty courtroom and family and drama, and a testing of a couple’s love that must hold against so much.


The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy was a thick tome that was broken into three parts beginning with a dramatic near death experience of Darcy being lost at sea.  His loved ones think him dead and gone while Darcy suffers amnesia and becomes humble fisherman, Will.

Grief-stricken, lonely and a little frightened of her new life alone, Elizabeth makes a momentous decision she thinks will be best for her children.  She is unaware that danger lurks nearby and not just from one source.  Her grief turns to horror at what she has to endure.  Darcy’s return might be long-past longed for, but also heightens the trouble.  Can this couple of a woman who has endured the worst and a man just getting his memories and his life back survive what is up against them?

I’m not generally partial to high-angst books, but there was something captivating about this one so I held fast to the story.  This one goes dark and Elizabeth ends up in a non-consent situation.  There is legal and courtroom drama.  And, a couple who must start over with a situation that was fascinating- a Darcy who has lived a very humble life and far from that part of him that was once proud.  So much gets turned on its ear and one wonders just how much sorrow and struggle one couple, particularly Elizabeth can endure.  Plus, the villains are dastardly and are a powerful number of them.

I’m deliberately being vague because I don’t want to spoil the suspense, twists, and times of triumph.  Now, late in The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy as situations started resolving, there was a sense of treading water for me.  I realized the author had to take the situations through these less intense development moments that were still important before the final plot wrap up.  For all the darkness, I was glad the author balanced matters with a heartening denouement that allows the readers to see the triumphant pair get a long-savored victory after all the sorrow they went through.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the stellar job of painting historical backdrop so articulately from Regency era Cornwall fishing village to the legal proceedings and courtroom setting of the time.  Beyond Darcy and Elizabeth, each character was carefully painted in so they were fully fleshed out and Sophie Turner didn’t lose the plot among the weeds, but brought all the parts along to completion.

All in all, this was an emotional read, but full of good suspense and strong character-driven moments.  Whether one is familiar with Pride & Prejudice or not, this could be enjoyed either way if historical gothic romance loaded with drama is one’s thing.


Won on April 13, 2023  (currently $5.99 at Amazon and in KindleUnlimited as of writing this post)

Overall rating 4.66 with 125 ratings and  25 reviews

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Posted April 17, 2024 by Sophia in Book Review, Thrifty Thursday / 16 Comments

16 responses to “The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy by Sophie Turner

    • LOL, yeah, this is one I’m not sure reading the original will make a difference. Jane Austen’s works are light, witty, subtle. This is good stuff, but pretty much the opposite of those traits since its darker and dramatic. 🙂

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