Sunday Post – 22 December 2024 @kimbacaffeinate @readingreality

Posted December 22, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 43 Comments

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly  @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week, and showcase books and things we have received.

Don’t forget to look at my giveaways on the right sidebar.  The Risk giveaway ends tonight!

Sunday,  well the FS Poster is working but for a few kinks with categories.  Feedly is still not removing “marked as read” entries and I have to refresh each time.  I’m doing the usual visiting. FS Poster just got back to me about how to remove the spaces in categories and it’s pretty simple.  You just didn’t have to do that in the old version.  We had the Risk chat for the Read-along which was fun.  Then the neighbor, my daughter and I walked Abby and Lulu.  It wasn’t windy so it felt nice.  After, my brother and I chatted about family, finances, and politics.

Monday,  I’m doing the usual computer tasks, visiting and household chores.  The weather is warming.   FS Poster is working fine now.   It’s only a week so that’s pretty good for learning a rewritten version. They did have to do an update for an error fix which took part of the time.  Jetpack is also working fine.  So I can enjoy tackling new tasks now. I did some review setups.  We walked Lulu and with almost no wind, it was nice.  We had finished the Geraldine McEwan Miss Marple episodes so we switched to Vera.  I made some pumpkin muffins.

Tuesday,  the weather is much warmer about 70F, 20C. I did some computer stuff.  I made a video to show FS Poster how I was configuring a custom field.  I left a little late and then went on to a huge errand run.  I dropped off some Amazon returns at UPS, and got a few items plus an RX at Harris Teeter.  Then I got a few items at Whole Foods, Aldi, and then pizza at Papa Murphys.  I ended up with pickup orders at BJs and Sam’s Club.    After putting things away I ate lunch.  FS Poster had sent info on the syntax which I updated. I did some more setups.

Wednesday, this day flew by.  I wrote a review and did some setups.  The weather was so lovely and warm again.  I got out and blew the leaves to the back wall in the back yard.  Then I picked up all the poop which was hiding. My daughter and I walked Lulu before dinner.  We watched several episodes of Vera before, during and after dinner.

Thursday,  the changes I made to syntax in FS Poster so I’m getting my custom field now. My daughter had an appt with her Nutritionist, then we walked Lulu. It was cold, 20 degrees colder than yesterday. I worked on some setups, and completed 3 of the Top 10 lists.

Friday,  I ordered some of my daughter’s RX refills.  I called to confirm dates of our last eye checkups and made an appt for my daughter for January. I worked a little more on Top 10 posts for the upcoming week.  We went to CVS to use my OTC benefit of $45 per quarter and got a few things. Then we walked with the neighbor and Abby.  Mom was in the hospital a few days this week but is headed back to the home where she lives.

Saturday,  I read and dealt with a bunch of emails.  Apparently yesterday I forgot to go to Feedly or Wordle or Connections.  So I’m catching up today.   We walked Lulu early before the temperature started dropping.  I wrote a review.  We are cleaning up the guest room. Then after dinner it will be more Britbox.  Lulu loves Britbox because it means she gets petted on the sofa for hours.

Tomorrow starts the Top 10 lists!


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by  Reading Reality.  These are the exciting ARCs I received this week (If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry):



All my thanks to Macmillan Audio, Tantor Audio,  Harper Audio,  TJ London, Ace Roc Books.                       

(If you click on the cover, it will take you to the Goodreads entry)

Thanks to Sophia pointing it out, I was able to purchase this anthology of novellas for $5.99  at Audible.


I’m collecting this series which is only at the library in a few books.  These were $6 each at Chirp.

This was my Prime First Reads choice.


Now the really scary one. This is all the Kindle and Audible freebies I grabbed this past week. You can see why I need to do Thrifty Thursday to be sure I read a few at least one each month.



Chirp Friday freebies:



I really meant to cut back on freebies BUT  they are free so I guess that won’t be happening.


I’m not including things like reviews posted or upcoming as they are always in the right sidebar. And, my challenge status is also there.




Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted December 22, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Sunday Post / 43 Comments

43 responses to “Sunday Post – 22 December 2024

  1. Hope your mom is doing okay! Sounds like a busy week. We got up into the 50s a couple days, which I liked. But I do love a good 70 degree day. I like that holiday image you put at the end of the post. Would you mind if I used it to make stickers for my students? Although it is a little late this year I guess to do it. Hope you have a nice holiday!

    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted: Weekly Wrap-Up #203 – December 22nd, 2024
  2. Is FS Poster what you use to re-post old posts on socials? I use Revive Social, but that only posts to FB and I want to post old posts to BlueSky and Threads. What plugin do you use?

    It was another busy week for you. Hope your mom is ok. That’s good that she’s home. Friday started Winter Break for use and Grandparents arrived in town, but also the rain. It’s raining everyday except Christmas. What weird weather for us in CA. Have a great week. Happy Holidays and can’t wait for the Top 10 posts.

    Angela (Angel's Book Nook) recently posted: 2024 End of Year Freak Out Tag
  3. Glad you got to connect with your brother and even better that your mom is feeling better and could go home. Nice work on the blog kinks and getting to reviews and Top 10. You do such a wonderful job with all the posts.
    Yay, glad to put you onto the good deal.

    Have a great week and happy holidays, Anne!

  4. You reminded me I need to work on my best of 2024 lists, too! We had a couple of nice weather days, but we’ve had rain almost every other day and it’ll continue the same way for the next week. Glad to hear you’re mom is okay now. I look forward to several on your list and grabbed a couple of the freebies you mentioned. Have a lovely week, Anne!

  5. I’m glad you’ve got your blog code/programs sorted out and that your mom is out of the hospital. I did not like Wordle when I first tried it but I’ve finally mostly got the knack of bending my brain into that shape 🙂 I thought Connections would be easier for me but my successful completion rate on it hovers around 84% most of the time. Happy holidays!

    Jen at Introverted Reader recently posted: Weekly Update for December 22, 2024
  6. I’m so glad your mother was able to head back home after a few days. You just can’t get any rest in a hospital at the best of times. So many good reads! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and are having a relaxing in between time.

  7. We seem to be in a cycle of a warm week then a cold week then a warm week then a cold week, and so forth. I wonder if it will be like this all winter? lol I had to LOL at the hiding poop. The Leafy Hordes are good at that. I hope your mom is better.

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