Hot Assets by Lauren Layne @_laurenlayne #MONTLAKEROMANCE

Posted June 6, 2018 by Robin in Book Review / 6 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Hot Assets by Lauren Layne @_laurenlayne #MONTLAKEROMANCE Hot Asset by Lauren Layne
Series: 21 Wall Street #1
Published by Montlake Romance on May 22, 2018
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 266
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Ian Bradley is the definition of a Wall Street hotshot: seven-figure salary, designer suits, and a corner office. His drive off the floor is just as potent. Every woman who knows him has felt the rush. But now he’s met his match in Lara McKenzie—a woman with the power to bring Ian to his knees.

An ambitious, whip-smart daughter of FBI agents, Lara is a rising star in fighting white-collar crime. Her latest case—the investigation of Ian Bradley for insider trading—could make her career. She knows a scoundrel when she sees one. Ian fits the bill: a cocky, ridiculously handsome bad boy with a slick swagger.

She’ll do anything to prove he’s guilty. He’ll do anything to prove he’s not. But it’s only a matter of time before their fierce battle of wits gets oh so hot and personal. Now, taking down Ian has become more than business for Lara. It’s become a pleasure—and there’s more at risk than she ever dreamed.

I love it when a contemporary romance author can take a guy that at first meet you would need at least two drinks to buy into his pickup lines and turn him into a man you are really rooting for. Sure, the girl has to carry the book for a little bit but the thing Lauren Layne excels at is adding enough characters and funny that you are just waiting for that AH-HA moment when the hero finally gets it and is ready to change up his partying ways for the girl who doesn’t fall at his feet and really makes him work for it.

Sure, Ian is a playboy and he comes off as a pompous ass in the beginning, I mean he actually used the term ‘let me mansplain this for you’ when he first meets Lara, but he grows on you.  Lara, on the other hand, is a woman who is confident in her life and who she is. The last thing she cares about is this playboy trying to pick her up at the vending machine especially since he is the man she is there to investigate for insider trading.  Once the Lady SEC meets the Wolfe of Wall Street it was inevitable sparks would fly.

The growing tension between Ian and Lara was delicious. I couldn’t wait for the man who hasn’t had to work for a woman in years to finally put some real effort into getting to know a woman before she jumps in his bed.

One of the best things in Lauren Layne books are the side characters and there are some great ones in Hot AssetI grew to adore a few of the other women in the book.  Kate is the fantastically talented personal assistant to not one but three Wolfes of Wall Street and she handles them all seamlessly even if she might be harboring feelings for one of them.  

Then there is Sabrina who is all kinds of snark and sexy rolled into one.  She has a history with one of Ian’s friends and I can’t wait to find out what that is all about.

Plus Ian’s foster dad, Dave, is a total hoot. I really adored the guy who couldn’t seem to keep a t.v. unbroken for more than a week.  He really added to Ian’s likability and gave some good, if not simplified, advice along the way.

Hot Asset falls into my cotton-candy-pms-chocolate day reads.  Very much looking forward to what happens in Matt and Sabrina’s book which is next.

“By all means,” she purrs in a dangerous voice that generally means die. “What’s mine is yours.”

“Really?” he asks, turning toward her, his gaze dropping to her cleavage.

“Go ahead. Try it,” she says. “I’ve been in a castration sort of mood lately.”

Sabrina and Matt


“You take my suggestion to seduce the lady agent?”

I smile. Lady agent. I wonder how Lara would feel about the moniker. “I tried. Didn’t take. Trying to clear my name the old-fashioned way, though,” I respond.

“Hiring someone to take out the witness?”

Ian and Dave


About Lauren Layne

Lauren Layne is the New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen romantic comedies.

A former e-commerce and web marketing manager from Seattle, Lauren relocated to New York City in 2011 to pursue a full-time writing career.

She lives in midtown Manhattan with her high-school sweetheart, where she writes smart romantic comedies with just enough sexy-times to make your mother blush. In LL’s ideal world, every stiletto-wearing, Kate Spade wielding woman would carry a Kindle stocked with Lauren Layne books.

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Posted June 6, 2018 by Robin in Book Review / 6 Comments

6 responses to “Hot Assets by Lauren Layne

  1. Sophia Rose

    Oh fun! I have been curious about her books since I first noticed them showing up, but haven’t taken the plunge yet. You’ve got a great way of describing characters and situation. I could see this being a nice one for ‘one of those days’ where not any book will do.

    Thanks, Robin!

    • Anytime Sophia. I really love the book dynamics she uses in her contemporary romances. The dialogue between all the friends is so good and all of her books are like great romantic comedies. I’ve loved the Stiletto, Oxford and now this series by her.

  2. carolesrandomlife

    I do love Lauren Layne. This is one that I will probably pick up at some point. These characters sound great together and the side characters sound like a lot of fun. Looks like a great start to a new series.

    • It seems pretty promising. I liked the side characters that you know will be the focus of the other books in this series just as much as the main character. I think the entire thing will be classic Lauren Layne and a lot of fun.