Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Series: Endeavor #2
Published by Sourcebooks Casablanca on April 28, 2020
Genres: Science Fiction, Romance
Pages: 448
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
Amazon, Audible,, Barnes & Noble, Apple

Captain Tess Bailey and Shade Ganavan are still the galaxy's Most Wanted, and with revolution in the wind and the universe on the brink of catastrophic war, the situation couldn't be more desperate. Despite the Dark Watch scouring the known sectors for them, rebel leaders have handed the crew of the Endeavor a delicate and dangerous mission: break into Starbase 12 and free renowned scientist Reena Ahern. She's the only one who stands a chance of tipping the odds in their favor for the first time in decades.
The clock is ticking. But as their attraction builds and secrets are revealed, Tess and Shade must decide if they trust each other enough to execute this impossible prison break. They could change the course of history, but they'll be risking everything... They'll just have to tackle one crisis at a time.
Whoa! Buckle up; this rollercoaster takes off like a rocket and never runs out of fuel! As the Endeavor series continues, I wondered how Tess and Shade would develop and Shade’s integration with the rest of her crew. I was glad to see them have a little time alone – BAM – no time for that – there’s an impossible mission and we need to – BAM – someone from Tess’ past – BAM – but first let’s do a heist for – BAM – now we have some strange new intel about Tess’ history with some help – BAM – a fight with the Overseer.
I liked the relationship and thought the learning about each other and dealing with their past was realistic for Tess and Shade. The crew was accepting of him so that helped. I still love Shade. He was changing his daily life and viewpoints dramatically but he was steadfast about Tess. I enjoyed his point of view more than Tess. Tess had a lot of shocks and things to handle as the leader while allowing herself to be vulnerable with Shade. And more whoa, some like it hot!
For those in need of an adrenaline boost, Starbreaker delivers. There is plenty of action and danger plus you barely get going and the whole landscape changes up again. There is certainly no time to get bored. The politics continue and knowing more only means I keep realizing how much I don’t know.
I’m stunned with the exciting events, wondering what happens from here? There will be a new frenzy of preparation followed, or more likely combined, with the fight of their lives to save the galaxy is my best guess. My heart is with this quirky, talented bunch who risk themselves for others.
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I got excited just reading your reactions! Great review, Anne?
There is no rest in this one. I really loved it, maybe should have rated it higher and debated that. And I got Shade mmmm.
I have book 1 of her first series but as I haven’t read it yet I think I’ll start with that
Oh yes start at the beginning I loved the first book also. I hope you will enjoy it and Shade as much as I have.
This is another author I’d like to try and just haven’t had a chance to. I always see her book covers and like them though.
Well I really enjoyed this series so far. It has some romance in addition to the scifi but not too much. It’s the perfect blend for me. I think you would enjoy. It feels very UF.
Glad to hear you enjoyed this installment so much, Anne. I’ll have to investigate this series!
Yes I hope you do and that you enjoy. I would start at the beginning.
Great review. Glad to see you enjoyed.
Thank you! I thought it was very good and fast paced.
Definitely sounds like a roller coaster! Good to see that the plot ande character development didn’t suffer from all the action.
YES!!!!! Exactly! Even with everything else, there was great development of plot and characters and world-building. I don’t need to meet any flervers either.
Your review here makes me so happy, I have been wanting to read this series so badly. I love seeing a couple learn each other.
Great review
Thank you! I think it is a great series. I like how romance was not the focus but it was interwoven into their lives. Really it’s very well done and maybe I should rate it higher.
I read book one, but was on the fence, but I am not ready to give up on the series. So I will be looking to read this installment. Great review.
Thanks! I really liked both of them quite a lot. I hope you will enjoy this one.
I will be reviewing the audio, hoping they send me code soon…lol Glad you enjoyed it!
I thought it was very well written for the entertainment it is. Plenty of action and yet the world-building and character / relationship development was great. That doesn’t mean I learned everything I wanted to know but that’s why there are more in a series. I really liked the romance being part of the story but not the primary focus.
Fun review, Anne. And I’m adding this series. In the mood for this genre right now:)
Thank you! This was a fun book to read and well written too.
I really had a good time with this one and loved all of the action. I liked both Shade and Tess’s point of view but I might have liked Shade just a bit more myself. I can’t wait for the next one!
I totally agree!!