Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis @GracinhaWrites @bradenwright @dawbooks #BrillianceAudio #LoveAudiobooks

Posted March 28, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 18 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley, Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis @GracinhaWrites @bradenwright @dawbooks #BrillianceAudio #LoveAudiobooksFloating Hotel by Grace Curtis
Narrator: Braden Wright
Published by Brilliance Audio, DAW Books on March 19, 2024
Genres: Space Opera
Pages: 304
Length: 6 hours, 3 minutes
Format: Audiobook, eARC
Source: NetGalley, Publisher
AmazonAudibleBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Welcome to the Grand Abeona home of the finest food, the sweetest service, and the very best views the galaxy has to offer. All year round it moves from planet to planet, system to system, pampering guests across the furthest reaches of the milky way. The last word in sub-orbital luxury—and an absolute magnet for intrigue. Intrigues such Why are there love poems in the lobby inbox? How many Imperial spies are currently on board? What is the true purpose of the Problem Solver’s conference? And perhaps most pertinently— who is driving the ship?

Each guest has a secret, every member of staff a universe unto themselves. At the center of these interweaving lives and interlocking mysteries stands Carl, one time stowaway, longtime manager, devoted caretaker to the hotel. It’s the love of his life and the only place he’s ever called home.

Floating Hotel is written with many different characters each having a section with their story.  The beginning though was all Carl starting with a historical section then moving into present day.  I enjoyed that and that format helped me get into the story, and understand the world building .

The next section though had other characters. Some were employees of the hotel and some were guests.  This felt more disconnected to the plot.  It was good for world-building and appreciating the found family at the hotel. It also brought in the dangers of outside forces.

I was kind of lost in some of the different character sections and enjoyed the story more when it came back to more plot with Carl and a few other main characters.  I enjoyed the different character vignettes but it made the story feel longer without movement on the plot.

I found it a charming story and it eventually got there.  I could have used even more depth on the plot as we got on the characters and world.


Braden Wright was a new to me narrator.  I was very comfortable with his voices and enjoyed his performance. I especially appreciated his voice and emotional tones for the character Carl.  I did have to start at 1.3x and after a couple hours was able to use my normal 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip: HERE

Rating Breakdown
One StarOne StarOne Star
One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration (Audio)
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted March 28, 2024 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 18 Comments

18 responses to “Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis

  1. I’m pretty sure I’ve never read a space opera though the concept does sound fun. I think this might not be the one to start with as it doesn’t sound the strongest but this is a genre I’ll have to look into.

  2. I enjoyed this one more than you did, but I completely agree that it was the characters and their backstories that drove the narrative in this story. Lovely review, Anne.

  3. I had been eyeing this one for review, but ended up passing it up. However, I may still see if I can get it from the library.