Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage ‏@AceRocBooks

Posted May 1, 2019 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 14 Comments

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs @Mercys_Garage ‏@AceRocBooks Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs
Series: Mercy Thompson #11
Published by Ace on May 7, 2019
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 384
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & Noble
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

My name is Mercedes Athena Thompson Hauptman, and I am a car mechanic.

And a coyote shapeshifter . . . And the mate of the Alpha of the Columbia Basin werewolf pack.

Even so, none of that would have gotten me into trouble if, a few months ago, I hadn't stood upon a bridge and taken responsibility for the safety of the citizens who lived in our territory. It seemed like the thing to do at the time. It should have only involved hunting down killer goblins, zombie goats, and an occasional troll. Instead, our home was viewed as neutral ground, a place where humans would feel safe to come and treat with the fae.

The reality is that nothing and no one is safe. As generals and politicians face off with the Gray Lords of the fae, a storm is coming and her name is Death.

But we are pack, and we have given our word. We will die to keep it.

As with every book in the Mercy Thompson series, I love the excellent character development, and the complexity and layers of plot. There is also a touch of humor. Mercy is an amazing character with spirit, compassion and intelligence. (We are doing a Read-along of this series next year, so please join us starting in January.)

So to give you the gist without spoiling, we learn more about witches and goblins. There is an upcoming meeting between the fae and the humans.  Adam’s company is providing security and Mercy is the liason between the two groups.  Coyote has some different ideas of what Mercy should do.  Some bad guys want to take all the power.  Oh and Wulfe, Wulfe!, ends up on the good guy side.

“What are you thinking?” I asked. “What idiot would put me in charge of a government meeting? I can’t organize a pack barbecue without Kyle. Why isn’t someone else doing it? Marsilia? Or one of the fae? Or one of the government people? I bet they do this all the time.”

As is often the case, Mercy is on her own while Adam is busy with his work.  Their relationship is so solid and when they do interact it is satisfying (I’m not just talking about sex.)  Mercy is busy fighting fires of one sort or another with some pack members, Zee and Tad, with a bit of vampire on the side.

My cell went off again. But the caller ID was blocked and my policy was that I didn’t pickup on blocked-ID calls just after I got off the hook for a nonpaying government job I didn’t want.

Storm Cursed is incredible! There is nothing to dislike from the additional world-building, to character growth and development, to layers of connected plot lines,  and on to exciting action! It’s no surprise this is one of my favorite series.  I’ll be thrilled for more next year with Smoke Bitten!


About Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs was born in Butte, Montana to a children’s librarian who passed on to her kids a love of reading and books. Patricia grew up reading fairy tales and books about horses, and later developed an interest in folklore and history. When she decided to write a book of her own, a fantasy book seemed a natural choice. Patricia graduated from Montana State University with degrees in history and German and she worked for a while as a substitute teacher. Currently, she lives in Montana with her children and six horses and writes full-time, much to the delight of her fans.

Rating Breakdown
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One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
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Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Anne - Books of My Heart
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Posted May 1, 2019 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review / 14 Comments

14 responses to “Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs

  1. I think I might just have to join you in the read along, I have been wanting to read this author forever, ever since I started a blog actually. So remind me right before you start and I will purchase all the books!! 🙂 I love characters that we see have compassion though, its not as common as I would like to see especially in UF.

  2. Oh – that sounds so much fun! I’ve never done a read-along before and this sounds like a fantastic idea:)). Thank you for the invitation…

    • I do one each year with games and prizes. The publishers have been awesome about giving me some prizes and I buy many myself too. For Patricia Briggs I am going to try to go to a Con where I can get some signed stuff. I got great stuff at DragonCon in 2017. Next year I’d love to go to Emerald City ComicCon as she always goes and so do Robin Hobb and some others I would love to meet. Anyway, I did Kim Harrison Rachel Morgan series The Hollows, 2018 Ilona Andrews Kate Daniels series, 2019 is Benedict Jacka’s Alex Verus and 2020 is Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson. I seem to be a huge fan of UF, no surprise. I like to do ones I haven’t read at least every other year so 2021 will be something new again for me. I hope you will join us.

  3. Jen

    This was a great one – definitely one of my favorites. And so much happened, there will be more fallout and I cannot wait to find out what it is. The ups and downs in this one were intense. Great review.