Read-along & Giveaway: Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh @NaliniSingh #AngelaDawe @TantorAudio @BerkleyRomance @YogiKai #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks

Posted May 7, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 14 Comments


Read-along & Giveaway: Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh @NaliniSingh  #AngelaDawe @TantorAudio @BerkleyRomance @YogiKai #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooksBranded by Fire by Nalini Singh
Narrator: Angela Dawe
Series: Psy-Changeling #6
Published by Tantor Audio on May 30, 2011
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Length: hours, minutes
Format: Audiobook
Source: Library
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Though DarkRiver sentinel Mercy is feeling the pressure to mate, she savagely resists when Riley Kincaid, a lieutenant from the SnowDancer pack, tries to possess her. The problem is not simply that he pushes her buttons; the problem is that he's a wolf, she's a cat, and they're both used to being on top.

But when a brilliant changeling researcher is kidnapped from DarkRiver territory, Mercy and Riley must work together to track the young man - before his shadowy captors decide he's no longer useful. Along the way, the two dominants may find that submitting to one another uncovers not just a deadly conspiracy, but a passion so raw that it'll leave them both branded by fire...

In this series we have seen many pairings. In Branded by Fire, we see a pairing that may threaten the peace between Wolf and Shifter. The majority of this book is told through the eyes of Mercy. I really came to adore Mercy in the previous book, when we got to see more of her relationship with Dorian.

Mercy is loyal to her friends and even more loyal to Dark Rivers Alpha. So, she is surprised that she finds herself fulfilling her physical needs with Riley who is equal to her in pack hierarchy within the wolf pack.

Mercy and Riley sizzle from the opening chapters of this book, I was driving while listening to some of the chapters and I definitely needed to roll my windows up during some steamy moments

This book has a nice balance between exploring Mercy & Riley’s relationship and laying the foundation for future stories. So many characters show up from the other stories and have perfect cameos. I especially loved learning more about Mercy’s family and deeper insight into how the Pack works.

Mercy and Riley’s mission to rescue a changeling researcher brings them closer together and magnifies the loss that may occur when they submit to the mating dance. I really was worried for the pair but of course Nalini pulled out a satisfactory ending. We also get the announcement we have been waiting for as a beloved couple announces their pregnancy. There is tremendous community between the women in this book. It was really nice to see the different women support each other and make fun of the over possessiveness of their men. It’s wonderful how much these characters have come to mean to me and I love little snippets with the characters from other book

Listen to a clip: HERE



Who said (enter the answer in the Rafflecopter, don’t put in the comments)

“Wait a second.” She looked down then back up. “Nope, I haven’t grown a cock in the last few minutes. I have no need to prove whose is bigger.”

There are other options in the rafflecopter for you to enter discussion questions and quotes to share.

The quote for Who said  in Hostage to Pleasure was Sascha and Lucas.

“I’m messing up your shirt.”

” Are you?” A kiss, a teasing flick of tongue along the seam of her lips. “Do it some more so I can be sure.”


The villain was Henry Scott.

Share your review/ thoughts on Branded by Fire:

I thought it might be fun to link up reviews so we can find them all easily.  It can be a link to Goodreads or a blog, or wherever you have a review (short or long).

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Observations and questions you shared from Hostage to Pleasure:

(Thank you  so much for sharing!)

  • We had several discussions about the timeline.  It looks like the stories began in 2079 (not 2075) and we are now in 2080  about a year and a half later.
  • It seemed like most of the story focused on Ashaya and Dorian only got a bit of his story jammed in at the end.  I thought the novella – Dorian – really made the story better and wish more of it could have been in the book.
  1.  What species will the children of Sacha and Lucas be? Will they have characteristics of one or both parents?
  2. How will the new Psy – Changeling net work out?  How much mental connection will there be with Changelings?
  3. Will Amara fit in to the Web of Stars and their world?

Quotes you readers shared from Hostage to Pleasure:

(Thank you for sharing, Victoria!  Everyone please share more quotes.)

He didn’t tell her to stop analyzing their interaction, didn’t accuse her of not acting like a normal woman, both fears she’s harbored. Instead, he smiled and said, ” Show me where.”    ~ Dorian / Ashaya

He was the newest member of the Council, but he’d ruled the influential Nightstar clan for decades, was powerful enough that he’d defied the Council with impunity before his ascension. So when he spoke, everyone listened. Even Shoshanna.    ~  Anthony Nightstar

We’re a race that leaves behind no art, no music, no literature. Our immortality lies in the genetic inheritance we pass on to our offspring. Without that, we’re nothing once we cease to exist.    ~Ashaya


Here’s your to-do list:

  1. Find your copies of these books, borrow them from a friend, get them at the library or buy them.
  2.  Read the deleted scene from the author’s site  6.1 The Party.
  3. Read Book 7, Blaze of Memory, by May 28.
  4. Make a list of a favorite quote or two as you read the book.
  5. If you haven’t read the books before, make a list of questions you have for the discussion. If you have read them, please don’t spoil new readers.
  6. Link up your review on Goodreads or your site to the post.
  7. Join the COYER book chat on the Sunday following the post.
  8. Enter the giveaways!

COYER Challenge is adopting our Read-along.  You can read about COYER and join that challenge or just the Facebook community chat HERE.

Branded by Fire chat in a FB room (like we do for COYER book club) is:

May 9 at 12 PT, 2 CT, 3 ET and 9pn Europe, for a one hour chat.

You do not have to join the COYER challenge to participate, only the Facebook group.


We are doing one book every 3-4 weeks, posting on Fridays. We should have a review for most of the books with the team here at Books of My Heart plus some of our friends.


May 7:  Branded by Fire             – Kai @ Fiction State of Mind

May 28:  Blaze of Memory          – Sophia

Jun 18:   Bonds of Justice           – Angela @ Angel’s Guilty Pleasures 

Jul 16:   Play of Passion              – Robin

Aug 6:   Kiss of Snow                   – Melanie?

Aug 27:  Tangle of Need              –  Victoria @ First of All

Sep 17:   Heart of Obsidian        – Linda @ Unconventional Bookworms

Oct 15:    Shield of Winter         – Samantha @ The Book Disciple

Nov 5:    Shards of Hope            –  Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About

Dec 3:    Allegiance of Honor   – Anne


Miss a post?

Jan 1:    Slave to Sensation       – Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter

Jan 29:   Visions of Heat           – Rachel @ Waves of Fiction

Feb 19:   Caressed by Ice           – Kim @ Caffeinated Reviewer

Mar 19:   Mine to Possess          – KC

Apr 16:   Hostage to Pleasure   – Berls @ Because Reading

Be sure to enter the giveaways!!!


A copy of Bonds of Justice, book 8.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grand-Prize Giveaway:

Tantor Audio is generously donating a set of 15 codes for the entire set on audio.  Codes will work US or Intl.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Angela Dawe

Angela Dawe is an audiobook narrator and actress living and working in Chicago, Illinois. Winner of several Earphones Awards from Audiofile Magazine and narrator of two Audie-nominated audiobooks, Angela is also an accomplished improviser/sketch comedian, and has worked with such theaters as Second City, iO (formerly improvOlympic), and The Annoyance. Among Angela’s recordings are Psy-Changeling Series by Nalini Singh, Wild Roses by Deb Caletti, and Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts.

About Nalini Singh

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There’s no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.

I was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. I also spent three years living and working in Japan, during which time I took the chance to travel around Asia. I’m back in New Zealand now, but I’m always plotting new trips. If you’d like to see some of my travel snapshots, have a look at the Travel Diary page (updated every month).

So far, I’ve worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher and not necessarily in that order. Some might call that inconsistency but I call it grist for the writer’s mill.

About Kai at Fiction State of Mind

Hello Everyone My name is Kai. I’m a Massage Therapist who started blogging over 3 years ago when I discovered the blogging world on Twitter.

I’m an East Coast transplant that has been living in California for some time. I read all genres of books but have to force myself to read Non- Fiction!

My passions in life are Books (of course), Yoga, Comics, and Movies.

My blogging goals originally were to connect with other book lovers . That still is a priority but I’ve also developed a zeal for showcasing different genres of books to readers and helping them to try something new.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • C21-Spring

Posted May 7, 2021 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 14 Comments

14 responses to “Read-along & Giveaway: Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh

    • I loved this one! My favorite so far. It was nice to see the changeling – changeling matchup even tho they are not the same shift. I really enjoy all the UF type story arc with all the politics and mysteries. Thanks for joining the read-along and linking up. You are up next!

      Anne - Books of My Heart recently posted: You Spin Me by Karen Grey
  1. Jen

    I haven’t read this one in years, but it was (still is?) my favorite of the series. I love the Changeling pairing – something special and intense. We don’t get two changelings often and they are by far my favorites!! Thanks.

  2. Janie McGaugh

    I really enjoyed reading this again. It’s one of my favorites in this series.

  3. Elizabeth H.

    I absolutely LOVED Branded by Fire! Mercy, a DarkRiver Leopard Sentinel and Riley, a SnowDancer Wolf Lieutenant… how was this going to work out? I loved how everything played out. It’s one of my favorite books of the series! And so funny! Loved it!