Read-along & #Giveaway: Hounded by Kevin Hearne @KevinHearne @luckylukeekul @DelReyBooks #BrillianceAudio @PRHAudio @OUAC_Stephanie #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooks

Posted March 3, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 28 Comments


Read-along & #Giveaway: Hounded by Kevin Hearne @KevinHearne @luckylukeekul @DelReyBooks #BrillianceAudio @PRHAudio @OUAC_Stephanie #Read-along #GIVEAWAY #LoveAudiobooksHounded by Kevin Hearne
Series: Iron Druid Chronicles #1
Published by Del Ray on May 3, 2011
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 304
Format: eBook
Source: Purchased
AmazonAudibleLibro.fmBarnes & NobleApple
One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, lives peacefully in Arizona, running an occult bookshop and shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound. His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old - when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old. Not to mention: He draws his power from the earth, possesses a sharp wit, and wields an even sharper magical sword known as Fragarach, the Answerer.

Unfortunately, a very angry Celtic god wants that sword, and he’s hounded Atticus for centuries. Now the determined deity has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power - plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, his vampire and werewolf team of attorneys, a sexy bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good old-fashioned luck of the Irish - to kick some Celtic arse and deliver himself from evil

This is the second time that I have read Hounded by Kevin Hearne. The first time was a few years ago. I really enjoyed it when I read it and had intended to continue the series and then never really prioritized it. (Story of my life.)  Anne’s Read-along of the Iron Druid Chronicles this year was the PERFECT time for me to re-read it so I can continue the series.

Reading the prequel short stories Grimoire of the Lamb, Clan Rathskeller, and Kaibab Unbound added to my enjoyment of Hounded. I did not read those the first time around. I felt like it added more backstory and I love the rich history that Hearne provides without overloading the story.

I think my favorite part of the book is the special bond that Atticus and Oberon share. I love the interactions these two have and I feel like they really add to the story. I am convinced that somehow Hearne has figured out how to communicate with dogs and there is a dog out there somewhere that Oberon is a carbon copy of!

I had forgotten much of the main plot line. The thing that I remembered most clearly is Hearne’s humor. That was still there in spades but I also thoroughly enjoyed the story all over again. The action never seems to slow and there is so much to learn about the world that Atticus lives in.

Other paranormal beings are so cleverly woven into the storyline that it all seems distinctly possible and I think that is where the magic of this book lies. Between sword fights with ancient gods, witches, and werewolves are weaved sweet and spicy Irish widows, crotchety neighbors, and everyday life as we know it.

It’s exciting to see where Kevin Hearne will take us on the rest of the Iron Druid Chronicles but if it is more of what I found in Hounded, I am more than ready to go!


Share your review/ thoughts on Hounded:

I thought it might be fun to link up reviews so we can find them all easily.  It can be a link to Goodreads or a blog, or wherever you have a review (short or long).

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The chat will be Sunday, March 5th

COYER Challenge is adopting our Read-along.  You can read about COYER and join that challenge or just the Facebook community chat HERE.   On the Sunday after the review posts, they will host a FB room (like we do for COYER book club) at 12 PT, 2 CT, 3 ET and 9pm Europe, for a one hour chat.   You do not have to join the COYER challenge to participate, only the Facebook group.

Here’s your to-do list:

  1. Find your copies of these books, borrow them from a friend, get them at the library or buy them.
  2. Read book 2,  Hexed by March 31. (I moved this up a week because otherwise the chat would be on Easter.)
  3. Make note of a favorite quote or two as you read the book.
  4. If you haven’t read the books before, make a list of questions you have for the discussion. If you have read them, please don’t spoil new readers.
  5. Enter the giveaways!


Interviews with Kevin:

2011- Apr 19: Fantasy Book Critic interview

2011- Apr 27: Underwords  interview

2011- May  3: Whatever by John Scalzi  The Big Idea



Who said (enter the answer in the Rafflecopter, don’t put in the comments)

Who said      “When he said to give him the sword, I don’t think he meant for you to stick it in his guts”

There are other options in the rafflecopter for you to enter discussion questions and quotes to share.


Be sure to enter the giveaways!!!



For US  MP3 audio copy of Hexed ,and for Intl a paperback from Book depository. The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grand-Prize Giveaway:

For a US / Canadian winner, this will be a full set of SIGNED trade paperbacks by Kevin Hearne.

For an Intl winner,  it will be $50 at Book Depository.  The giveaway is international, as long as The Book Depository ships there free of charge (find that out here!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Time to start reading Hexed by Kevin Hearne for the 2023 Read-along! #giveaways #giveaway @BooksofMyHeart Share on X



We are doing one book every 4-5 weeks, posting on Fridays. We will have a review with the team here at Books of My Heart plus some of our friends.


Mar 3:    Hounded               –  Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter

Mar 31:    Hexed                     –  Jonetta @ Blue Mood Cafe

May 5:    Hammered           –  Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About

Jun 2:     Tricked                  –  Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

Jul 7:       Trapped                –  Rachel @ Waves of Fiction

Aug 4:      Hunted                 –   KC @ Books of My Heart

Sep 8:     Shattered               –  Berls @ Because Reading

Oct 6:      Staked                     –  Sophia @ Books of My Heart

Nov 3:     Besieged                 –  Kimberly @Caffeinated Reviewer

Dec 1:       Scourged               –   Anne  @ Books of My Heart  

Dec 17:     Q & A with Kevin Hearne   

About Kevin Hearne

Kevin Hearne lives with his wife, daughter, and doggies in Canada. Kevin hugs trees, pets doggies, and rocks out to heavy metal. He also thinks tacos are a pretty nifty idea. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling series the Iron Druid Chronicles, the Seven Kennings trilogy that begins with A PLAGUE OF GIANTS, and co-author of the Tales of Pell with Delilah S. Dawson.

About Stephanie at Once Upon a Chapter

I am a reader with an appetite! I am happily in my mid-30s and still learning new things about myself! I married my best friend in 2007. We are happy and so far have decided against having children.

This leaves a lot of time for reading and blogging. ? I will read anything that has words. I have a room dedicated to my books. I have also come to LOVE my Kindle. It is horribly convenient but I have a lot of physical books left to read. I read all of the genres that are reviewed at Once Upon a Chapter. It’s a large span from romance to young adult, middle grade to mystery, and young adult in almost all of their sub-genres. I started Once Upon a Chapter because I couldn’t talk to anyone about the books I loved in real life. I have since made a ton of friends through blogging and continue to meet new and wonderful people everyday.

Anne - Books of My Heart
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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 23-COYER

Posted March 3, 2023 by Anne - Books of My Heart in Book Review, Giveaway, Read-along / 28 Comments

28 responses to “Read-along & #Giveaway: Hounded by Kevin Hearne

    • I’m reading ALL of the novellas as I go along. I own nearly everything on audio because spelling and pronunciation are not my friend with Celtic mythology. You made an excellent point in your review about how romance readers can enjoy a great story with humor and action. I know my RA is helping more people try slightly different genres. I am so thankful to have friends like you and am glad you are joining us. This is the only book I have read so now I’m totally excited to read Hexed next week.

  1. Good review! I haven’t read the novellas yet; I may try to fit some in this month.

    I read the first four books (or maybe three and a half?) somewhere around 2013, and then didn’t go on. I loved the first three books, but as I recall, I bogged down in book four for reasons I can’t remember. But I’ve encountered other people who had problems with book four, and they all tell me it’s better after that. I figure that doing the readalong will help me keep going once we get to book four, so I can finally finish the series! Also, Anne was absolutely right when she suggested I listen to the audiobooks; I love Luke Daniels’s narration.

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard recently posted: Hounded, by Kevin Hearne
  2. Having never joined a read-along before, I wasn’t sure what to expect – AND, I’m not familiar with the author or series. But I thought it sounded fun, and I was right – the book is great. I agree with everyone that Atticus and Oberon are definitely special characters and I look forward to joining their future adventures. Thanks for inviting me.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  3. Kate

    Oberon is notable but I think Hearne does a great job generally of giving even minor characters plausible relationships with his heroes. The widow cracks me up every time! (This is my third read-through. I’m a fan!)

  4. Great review, Stephanie! This was my second time reading (via audio) the book and I found I’d forgotten a lot, as well. I love the connection between Oberon and Atticus!

  5. Great review from Stephanie. I agree 100% — the comment about neighbors is something I wish we had time to discuss today because that neighbor and that fight on the lawn was something else! I enjoyed this so much and am excited to keep reading.